🥀Holly: Helps when you suffer from angry thoughts such as jealousy, envy, revenge, and/or suspicion.
Let's look at each one in more details:
Agrimony has been used as an herbal remedy for liver troubles. Craving for stimulants is a frequent indication. Restlessness in mind and body. Anxiety and worries. Internal disquiet, nervousness and hurried. Agrimony will greatly ease pain in a patient who is smiling despite pain and internal torture. Suppression, denial of emotions and over-compliance.
Desire to not let others down and burden them with their personal problems. Intend to spread cheer and uplift others. Tendency not to express strong emotions which could bring disharmony or strife to oneself or others. Resentment and antagonism nonetheless build up within and may find release unexpectedly in spiteful remarks or in masked, agressive behavior.
Lack of stamina may be apparent, people may not seem fully invigorated or empowered. Weakness in the mind, emotions and body. The psychosomatic diseases of hypertension, hyperthyroidism, insulin dependent diabetes, soft tissue rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis.
In a mental illness, when excessive submissiveness and attempts to please others are part of the underlying dynamic. Dependent personality disorder. Over-compliance and disregard for one’s own needs. One gives others priority over oneself, seeing their needs first and de-emphasizing one’s own.
The mind is easily impressed with the needs and demands of others, to the point of wishing to do good and be of service. The balance of perception is titled in favor of others. Feelings of guilt and loyalty may further bind and narrow one’s way.
Life may seem more drudgery than adventure. A mistake of the service-oriented person is to overlook growing personal weakness and exhaustion. As needs of others seem predominant, one’s own needs assume less importance and one’s health and strength may be undermined slowly. Serving others may be a refuge, a way to build self-esteem and find approval by others.
Sadness due to unfulfilled potential or unanswered needs. Disappointment, resentment or frustration in the helpful person due to insensitivity and neglect. Lacks the courage to make their needs known, or their ethical principles may prevent them from resentful impulses. Can’t assert their needs to others.
Walnut gives protection from heightened impressionability and sensitivity. Lack of physical stability. Heightened impressionability, may create over-ambitiousness, envy and frustration. Gastric and duodenal ulcers. Allergies.
Overly influenced by impressions. Emotional disturbances from impressions. Heightened sensitivity. Delusions when one feels obsessed or influenced by forces beyond one’s control.
The Holly state can be a state of exhaustion, frazzled nerves and over stimulation by environmental impact.
Urge to fight oneself free of excessive noise and turmoil. Internal suffering and agony, stifled feeling.
Nervousness, physical irritability. Tension headaches or migraines after annoying experiences. Suppressed anger. Psychosomatic illness. Antisocial personality disorders. Disorders with agressive or jealous features.
Prone to outbursts of anger, rage or violence which can also lead to injuries for oneself and others. Impulse control, when rage in not bridled.
Persecutory or paranoid delusions, heightened accusation and antagonism against the imagined threat of others.
Over sensitivity to minor occurrences. Irritable, easily annoyed. Prone to vexation. Strong emotions. Agitated, agressive state. Overly suspicious, envious, jealous. Revengeful, angry, wounded pride. Perceives disturbances or other people as threats to peace and well-being. Urge to be free of the annoyance, even to the point of violence.
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