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Pellet of Mussar: The Other Song

 I think the best part of being a homeopath is to hear people's "other song". Let me explain. As I told my patients and students numerous time, part of us is Divine (we're hoping 100% of the time we're connected to that part!) and part of us, the Other Song, is less. Some people get easily angry, others are more messy, some are often sad, everybody has their "other song". When we look for a remedy (doesn't matter what the official diagnosis is), we want to address the other part of us, the unbalanced part, the one that prevents us from doing our Avodat Hashem. 

Hahnemann said (the founder of homeopathy)  that a healthy state is when the "reasoning spirit who inhabits the organism can freely use this healthy instrument to reach the lofty goal of human existence" (from his book The Organon of Medicine).

We're born with this "less divine" part of us, and the job of the homeopath is to hear, identify and treat the other song so the patient is less and less influenced by it in her daily life. Some are aware of it, some less, but it's there and the sooner we address it, the better we'll feel. Just being aware of it is liberating, as one of my students put it: "since I started studying homeopathy, I realized the short-comings of people around me are not really conscious, they're just speaking from their remedy picture (their other song)". This brings us to a silent witness state: acceptance of self and the other as the person really is. 

Some Remedy Pictures

We saw a few already in a previously published post on children: Children Profiles in Homeopathy. I also discussed the Sepia profile for mothers.


Natrum muriaticum people are a bit sad, depressed, lonely. They are way too serious, they work hard but they want to be loved. A lot of people are like that nowadays because with both parents working, children don't feel the attention and the love as they maybe should. So they grow up closing their heart, in order not to feel the pain. Then when they themselves raise their children, they also don't give them much attention, how could they? When they were children, they were told to behave, to be good, not to cry too much, not to make too much noise. The appreciation they got was when they helped out mommy who was overwhelmed with the big family. So when we say Natrum mur. is a grief remedy, we also mean in the sense of a feeling of abandonment, even though nobody died. 

Another interesting profile, more common is young girls but possibly also later in life even with men:


Pulsatilla is calm, gentle and yielding. She wants to be loved so she's acting very cute, but she's also overwhelmingly sensitive, with mood swings (from crying to laughing within seconds if she was consoled). Can be also irritable but her main issue is that she's afraid of being abandoned, of not being loved (or loved enough). She's the ultimate "mommy's girl" in the case of a child - she can even run away from home only because she knows mommy will come after her and look for her. The typical young, blond-hair, sweet little girl is in general Pulsatilla but not always, and you could have an older women, brown or black-haired Pulsatilla. What will give you a clue to this remedy is how she responds to consolation: if she's better from it, needs it, really enjoys it, then you'll have a match. (It could be also Phosphorus, but the type is different, we may get into it later)

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