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Testimonials and Real Cases

 Testimonials for Yael Meir Homeopathy:

"My son has been doing amazing. My husband learnt with him today and said he doesn't remember a time that he was so focused, knew his stuff and was reading so much better. Yael Meir is an excellent practitioner who works tirelessly to help her patience find the right cure for whatever they need and that we have really seen some very positive results from the treatment and also that it is hopefully a cure as opposed to a cover up” 
R. Dunner, Kiriat Sefer

"I highly recommend Yael's professional diagnostic ability, and homeopathic remedies. The remedies restore balance emotionally and physically in a short period of time. I know personally of clients who have been treated very effectively."

Michal Kramer BA psych.
Torah-Based Therapist
054 8440447

"Wow, the treatment plan is so thorough, professional and  very interesting! Yasher Koach!"
Shpira Family, Kiriat Sefer

"The remedy  you prepared for me, I think its called Nux vomica, was soothing for the first sip, then I had to take a couple more doses and it settled down alot. Thank you so much!"  - A.S., Kiriat Sefer

"Yael is a really good homeopath with very good advice and remedies. She is readily available for advice and offers home deliveries all included in her price. The family plan is great as it gives you the opportunity to treat many family members for a low price." Shoshona Zimmerman

"Very caring and professional." Chana Rivkin

Below on this scanned document is the testimonial of a very pregnant lady who was "stuck" in bed and couldn't move from the pain in her bones. She took the remedy a few times and felt much better, the day after she gave birth BH. 

Here's a testimonial from Shoshana who was able to finally stop smoking after a remedy I suggested to her:

Yael gave me a homeopathic remedy to help with withdrawal symptoms to stop smoking. I took it one time, after I was climbing the walls from anxiety, and 10 mins later, I was calm. The next day, I was feeling little anxious, so I took it again, felt better, and to this day, I am cigarette free. I smoked for 27 years and I am grateful that she was able to assist me in quiting so quickly and painless. 

- Shoshana Avrams, Bat Yam

 Case Examples from Yael Meir Homeopathy Clinic in Kiriat Sefer:

  • Yehuda needed a remedy for travel sickness. Every time he took the bus or the taxi, he needed the windows open and couldn’t read a book (he would have loved to study during his trips). I gave him one dose of Tabacum before his next travel, and didn’t feel sick at all. He thought it was a coincidence. After a few weeks, he felt sick again while travelling so I told him to take another dose. He then felt much better and agreed that homeopathy might have something to do with it. 

  • A boy of 5 was constantly sick with either a runny nose, a herpes or some other kind of “acutes” as we call it (recent health issues). He also suffered from allergies on top of it all and landed in the hospital because of it (allergies to olive trees if you can believe it). When he felt a little better, and quickly before another acute showed up, I gave him his “constitutional” - his main remedy - in order to strengthen his system and rebalance it. After one dose of Baryta Carb. he had much more energy (he was so sluggish before) and more independence (instead of being stuck to mommy all the time.) That’s when I knew I had the right remedy. After adjusting the dilution a few times, the boy is now more focused, able to express himself better - because the disease doesn’t come in the way of his learning anymore. The runny nose disappeared and came back only a few months later. It was cured with a different remedy, connected to his allergies. 

  • Rav Meiselish (real name with permission) was suffering from pain in the coccyx after stools. It has been debilitating for him for many hours every day for many months. He's been looking for help from the best specialists in the States and England, to no avail. Nobody knew what was wrong with him. But homeopathy doesn't need the name of the disease, only its symptoms (and modalities - what makes the patient feel better). In his case, the pain in the lower back was better from heat and rest. He also needed quiet and dark whenever his crisis was coming on. Thus, Rhus Tox 200C was given a few times and the pain went away. You can call his wife to confirm: 052-764-1516 (Hebrew and Yiddish only)

  • A girl of almost 18 years old was suffering from rashes and eruptions on her skin that reminded her of mosquito bites (except it wasn't). She thought it was a food allergy but it wasn't either. No matter, for a homeopath what counts first are the symptoms and modalities. Taking her whole case into account, her remedy picture was Sulphur and after one dose the eruptions disappeared and for all we know it didn't come back.

  • Mrs X was suffering from joint pain in the hip area. Osteopathy did help but only for so long, and each new visit was very expensive. In the meantime, her husband had to take care of all the house chores and the children because she couldn’t really move around. Thanks to homeopathy (and her sense of observation - she noticed heat and pressure were two things that improved her condition), with 2 doses of the remedy Rhus Tox she was already moving around the house. Whenever there’s a new flare-up, she takes one or two doses and she’s good to go. Each dose cost less than one shekels. But more importantly, her masmid of a husband was able to go back to sit and learn!

  • A 9 year old boy was suddenly seized with cramps and couldn’t move, he could barely lie down in his bed and when he did, he bent his legs against his stomach. This was the clue to give him the remedy Colocynthis and in a short time he was relieved of his pain. I use the 200CH dilution for such emergencies. This kind of situation is treated with our Acute Care program. 

  • A mother of many children was suffering from depression and couldn't decide what to do in every situation she was faced with. Of course, this created a lot of social anxiety and she didn't know who to turn to. Because as a child she had a good experience with homeopathy once, she came to Yael Meir Homeopathy. After only one week of the right remedy, she felt 80% better. Now she takes a dose when she feels she needs it, and it's safe without any side-effects. 

  • Allergies: Brachie was suffering from allergies on a daily basis, especially in the spring. After a few doses of the right homeopathic remedy, she told me she felt already much better - seems her
    allergies are gone!

Read more True Stories about How Homeopathy Helps in all kinds of health issues. 

Read more about me in A Homeopath in Modiin Illit?


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