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Terms & Conditions


For Yael Meir Homeopathy, nothing is more important than your health and happiness. And this goal of bringing you more health and more happiness, we achieve with Hashem's Help and Homeopathy.

You come in (or we come to you) with your health issue and you end up stronger, healthier, happier. 

  • Stronger because you'll learn how to help your body cure himself, without suppressive drugs. You'll feel empowered to take control of your health. 
  • Healthier because the good homeopathic remedy will take care of the root of your issues, so you'll have less episodes of diseases, they'll be less intense and less frequent. 
  • Happier because your mental health will benefit right away from the right remedy: better energy, better sleep, better appetite. Homeopathy has all the good benefits of "regular" medicines, without the side-effects!
But don't take our word for it! Read all the testimonials!

The following programs are available at this time:

We believe 100% in the power of homeopathy to help you with all kinds of ailments, from asthma to rheumatism, from depression to fears etc. But will believe 200% in the power of Hashem to help us cure the person in front of us. And we will share that belief with our patient, so that our treatment will really be a way to achieve higher levels of Emunah....

Very important: need to fill out a questionnaire with many questions, some stranger than others. There's a possibility to fill it out with the homeopath present but this will lengthen the duration of the consultation, and therefore the associated fee will be higher. 

Price of the initial case analysis: 150₪ 

Consultation: between 1h and 3h depending on the case. Fee: 200₪ 

Follow-ups are necessary for all our programs except the 7-days Acute Care program.

Look at our testimonials to know what people think of Yael Meir Homeopathy. 

We offer a discount for families according to financial needs. All family members must start the family program at the same time. 

Remedies are not included in the price. You can buy them from us. We can make house-calls / deliver remedies to your home for an additional fee. 

Homeopathy is a 200 year old medical system that is shown to be clinically effective. All homeopathic remedies are safe, non-toxic and are manufactured under the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia guidelines.

Detailed Price List 

The following program fees don't include remedies. 

1. *Acute Care* - 7 days of acute care: 

An Acute case is a heath issue that came up in the last 30 days. If it's older, it belongs to the Chronic care. 

150 pre-analysis + 200 for the meet = 350 doesn't include the remedy (about 50-70shk)

Free Acute Care with any of the following long-term programs:

2. *Chronic Care* Fertility Program * Vaccine Detox * ADHD*

The Chronic Care program is designed to address health issues older than 30 days. 

3 Steps:

1) After you fill out the contact form we'll send you a questionnaire to answer. Answers to this questionnaire will be our basis to see if there's a good chance of success should you be admitted in the program (for chronic cases, we usually have a 70-80% improvement within 3 months). This questionnaire requires a non-refundable fee of 150₪, to be paid once it's filled out and ready for analysis.

2) A week or so after, a consultation date is set-up. The consultation fee is 200 for 1-2 hours per person, via Zoom or in my office. For house-calls within Kiriat Sefer add a 50₪ fee, or 150₪ if outside the city limits. It includes the prescription of the remedy and an explanation of the treatment plan. 

3) Follow-ups are usually necessary for the next 6 months in order to ensue maximum results. Small phone calls of less than 15 minutes are not charged but if another consultation is necessary, the fee is 200₪. Even over the phone, a conversation of more than 15 minutes is charged 100₪. The card number will be given before the conversation. 

You can choose to have our Annual Service which costs 1200₪ (as of december 2023) and includes the pre-analysis and first meeting, remedies, 4 in-person meetings, 20 follow-up phone calls. Delivery of remedy an option.

For any additional family member the price is 500₪ (as of december 2023) for the Annual Service. 


Payment can be made via Nedarim Plus Yael Meir Homeopathy.

The actual cost of the remedy itself is negligible. If only one medicine is prescribed (as is most common), it costs between 50₪ and 70₪ with our Pink Light Boutique from Yael Meir Homeopathy.

The costs of homeopathic care, like the costs of all medical care, are high, but the costs of illness, especially chronic illness, are even higher. Some people may be tempted to treat themselves and avoid professional homeopaths, but such decisions can be more costly in the long-run because it is highly unlikely that this care will be effective.

When one considers that homeopaths typically discourage frequent visits unless they are medically necessary, and that the time between visits ranges from one to six months, the yearly cost of homeopathic care is considerably less than conventional medical care as well as most types of alternative medicine. This does not even take into account the further cost savings that accrue from the ability of homeopathic medicines to strengthen one’s immune system and prevent future costly diseases.

 The absence of side effects from homeopathic medicines also reduce the cost of care, since side effects usually lead to the need for more medical treatment.

Legal disclaimer----------------------------

  • This website is published by Yael Meir Homeopathy and information and resources to women and the general public on classical homeopathy for educational and informational purposes only.
  • Any use or misuse of the information presented here for educational and entertainment purposes are the sole responsibility of the reader.
  • All content on this website are intended as an adjunct to, not a substitute for professional homeopathic and/or  medical treatment by a licensed medical professional.

  • Yael Meir Homeopathy is NOT responsible for any ill effects, loss, damage or injury caused, or alleged to caused by the information contained in this website or for the misuse of this information.
  • This website is in no way intended as a substitute for professional homeopathic and/or medical care. Nothing described in this web site should be construed by any reader or other person to be a diagnosis or treatment for any disease or condition.
  • We recommend that you diligently question a Homeopath's credentials and expertise before using their services.
  • If you are seeking a medical diagnosis, you must consult with a licensed medical professional.
  • Homeopathic prescribing, therapies, treatments, nutritional therapies or energetic interventions of any nature should be done only under the direct guidance and care of a properly and fully trained health care professional specializing in the services rendered.

Homeopathic and nutritional products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Contact: y0556706407 @ or homeopathyforwomen @
from outside of Israel: 972-55-670-6407


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