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Feeling Lonely: 3 Flower Options

 Hashem put in nature small miracles in the form of flowers: three amazing flowers with the potential to help in cases of loneliness, each one with its particularities. 

Three Flowers for Loneliness: Pick Yours

All three remedies bring healing to those suffering from inner loneliness mostly due to self-centered reasons and losing the connection with others. 

Water Violet: Helps you get a warmer relationship with other people. You love being alone but often find yourself lonely.

Impatiens: For those who act and think quickly, and have no patience for what they see as the slowness of others. They often prefer to work alone. Teaches empathy and understanding of and patience with others. It is found to be fast-acting in alleviating an impatient attitude and lowering stress.

Heather: Helps when you are unhappy being alone for any length of time, you are always seeking companionship and find it necessary to discuss your affairs with others, no matter who it may be.

We'll look into each one of these Bach flowers more specifically below. 

To create Bach flower essences, several flowers (in general) are picked up by the stalk and left floating in a bowl of sunlit water for several hours. The water is then strained and prepared as a medicine. You can order "stock bottles" online or find them in some pharmacies all over. 

How to use them: take two drops from the stock bottle into a one ounce dropper bottle (add brandy or alcohol if this bottle will be used for days or weeks). This is the dosage bottle, take a few drops straight into the mouth or as needed in a little water or juice. 

Water Violet

Water Violet treats states of aloofness and haughtiness. Lack of spontaneity and lively involvement. Internal retreating or raising above others may be reflected in a posture of haughtiness and aloofness. Physical stiffness and rigidity. 
Haughty. Feels special, eccentric. Grandiose delusions, narcissistic personality disorder. Reserved dignity. Desire for attention and admiration. Alienates others. 
Active engagement with others is avoided or even considered disturbing to inner peace. Disinterest, lack of spontaneity, or even apathy. Tendency to retreat and isolate oneself. Vulnerable and lonely. Insecure. Ailments after severe offense or humiliation. 


Nervous tension and cardio-vascular strain. High blood pressure, heart trouble. Internal agitation and impatience. Useful for increasing patient and forbearance. 
Internal agitation. Restlessness., Frustrated, dissatisfied, irritable. Impatience, short of temper., Easily feels despair or feels overwhelmed. Sense of urgency. Feels driven to do one thing after another. Efficient. Self-centered. Problems with impulse control. Sudden explosions of temper with possible violence. Threatened nervous breakdown. 


Overbearing and agitated. Sleep-like disorders or obsessively fixated ideas. Feigning or unconscious production of sickness, urge to talk about symptoms. 
Self-centered. Worry over self. Feeling that one deserves sympathy and regard. Stuck on personal affairs. Attaches importance to experienced hardships and dilemmas. 
Craves attention and sympathy. Attention-getting behavior. Talkative over seemingly unimportant details, to get attention, feel special or show self-pity. Feigning sickness, hypochondriasis. 

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