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Bach Flowers : Not Sufficient Interest in the Present Circumstances


This post is about the group called "Not Sufficient Interest in the Present Circumstances" as classified by Dr. Bach. This group of remedies helps those not fully engaged in the here and now and consequently not living to the fullest. 

Chestnut Bud

This remedy helps those not fully engaged in the here and now. Impulsive physical conduct and some degree of hyperactivity or restlessness can be concomitant physical features. Attention-deficit and
hyperactivity disorder and disruptive behaviors. Chestnut Bud helps the mind to settle into restful concentration and retain the learning material. Personality disorders marked by a refusal to change and acquire empathy for others, such as antisocial, criminal and personality disorders. 

MIND: Restless and impulsive, easily distracted. Absent-minded, not set on learning in the factual and moral sense. Jumps from topic to topic, goes superficially through a text, rushes ahead impatiently. Learned material is not contained very well, although capacity for memory is usually present. Inappropriate laughing or gliding over reprimands. Do not learn readily from their experiences, are often heedless or careless. 

Easily carried by positive as well as negative emotions. Unreasonable, easily swayed, naïve. Emotionally unstable, impulsive. Defiant and somewhat lacking integrity or depth. People not willing to obey laws and adjust to normal socialization process. 


Shocked by sudden noise and startles easily when touched. Sleepiness, drowsiness, fainting and vertigo. In come comatose states, Clem-b., may restore consciousness. The body may seem as if not "inhabited, as the mind draws to future dream castles or removes due to exhaustion or emotional hardship. Out-of-body experiences. 
MIND: Hazy reality. Passive. Tendency to suddenly lose touch and become drowsy or sleepy. Light-headed or vacant feeling. Lack of concentration. Prevalent absent-mindedness, interrupted by spruts of interest. 
Delusions with ecstatic content, pleasant visions and reveries. Set on dreams of future fulfillment, rather than seeing the present as promising and trying to find happiness therein. States from daydreaming about future happiness, fatigue, strenuous or saddening daily routines. Hopeful. 
Happy when dreaming, reality seems harsh, void of meaning, lonely or sad. 


Dwells on the past. Homesickness, lost love, loss of beauty or position in life. Sentimental visions of the past. Delusions, visions or voices of lost loved ones after unresolved trauma or severe grief. Lethargy, sleepiness and diminished vitality. Often occurs in the elderly. 

MIND: Dwells on past memories, nostalgic. Sadness, with sense of loss. Longs to relive former happiness. Believes the happiness of the past cannot be repeated in the future. Hopeless and resigned to future. 

Wild Rose

States of apathy and resignation. Lethargy, listlessness, lack of energy. Passivity. In sickness, when the fighting spirit is gone and recuperation is not proceeding, or even when death is threatened due to resignation. Schizophrenic states, developmental disorders, psychosis, schizoid personality disorders. Reduced social contact, low emotional involvement. 

MIND: Apathy and resignation. Helplessness and powerlessness. Anger or frustration. Disinterest in fighting for health when sick, Retreat from involvement in unfavorable circumstances. Stifled capacity for joy, disinterest in amusement and play, lack of hopes, wishes and dreams. 


States of exhaustion in mind/emotions, body and spirit. Weariness and exhaustion. Emotional weariness. Sadness, depression, discouragement. Sense of meaninglessness and apathy with exhaustion. 

MIND: Weary. Intense exhaustion. Cannot complete tasks. Absent-minded, disinterested, lethargic. Especially after prolonged sickness or for those in social services. 

White Chestnut

States of preoccupation and intense worry. Mental preoccupations and worries. Obsessive-compulsive dwelling on an emotional experience. Insomnia from worry, mental preoccupation. Restlessness from worry. Eyesight failure. Irritable colon, gastrointestinal symptoms. Hyper motility, pylorospasm and ulcers.

MIND: Preoccupied with worrisome, returning thoughts. Anxiety, despair. Obsessions, fixattions and persistent thought patterns. Delusions and chronic introspection. Automatic responses and compulsive thinking. Worried in a state of regret or self-reproach. Disappointment and annoyance. Frustration and exhaustion. Diverted attention. 


Affects of head injury, nerve damage or misalignment of the skull plates along fissures. Dampened consciousness. 

Depression and gloom. Lowered vitality, lethargy. Chronique fatigue and appetite disturbances. Solace found in eating and constipation, resulting in weight loss or gain. Sleep disturbances. Disinterest in physical recreation and general decline in healthful interests and habits. 

MIND: Depression and gloom, with sensation of a weight or downward pull, better in the sun. Desires light. Sadness, regret, weepy. Introverted. Absent-minded, disinterested in present circumstances. Lack of appeal for life. Boredom, sense of meaningless. Morose and ill-tempered. Sense of desolation, loneliness. Self-pity. Withdrawal and joylessness in retardation. 


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