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Care Too Much For Others: Some Bach Flowers.


Over-care for the welfare of others.

This group deals with mental, emotional imbalances in regard to caring for or controlling others.

The flowers in this group include (and we'll see them more in depth further on in this post):

  • Chicory: Helps you to be less critical, opinionated, and argumentative. You always find something about others that you believe should be put right. 
  • Vervain: For strong-willed people who hold strong views. They put unnecessary effort into everything they undertake, your mind races ahead of events, you may suffer from lack of sleep due to an overactive mind.
  • Vine: Helps you respect other people’s views and ideas, you tend to try to persuade other people to do things your way.
  • Beech: Helps you be less critical toward other people and accept them as they are.
  • Rock Water: Helps when you expect too much of yourself.


The inactive Chicory type might show an unspoken need to be loved. 

Self-pity, prone to pout or look hurt and withdrawn. Overly controlling and service-oriented, while suppressing hostile emotions and demanding attention when sick. Self-protective with an anxious attempt to hold in emotions. Ulcer patients, if prine to tyrannical outbursts, yet falling ill whenever affection is withdrawn.  

Anorexia, vomiting, nausea, bulimia, and over-eating, in an effort to draw attention and love. Bronchial asthma, with difficulty in expiring, can rest on  emotional hurt and self-pity. Diseases of soft tissue, rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis of a psychosomatic origin. Hypochondiasis, pain disorders. Chronic constipation. 


Bent on taking care of others according to one own’s design or idea, may be interpreted as being too forceful or unnecessary. Self-pity a sense of. not being appreciated for one’s efforts. 

Fairly rigid opinions and ways of working with others. Conviction that one’s perceptions and opinions are correct and one assumes the right to enforce them on others. Tendency to be overcareful with details, one’s daily duties and cleanliness. Possessiveness. 

Preoccupation with pain without physical findings. Personality disorders, based on attention seeking within the sexual sphere. Feigning sickness in order to gain attention. Eating disorders. 

Hysterical neurosis, when the body expresses through illness the unvoiced need for attention and love. Need to be the center of attention and be appreciated. Self-pity, sullenness and pouting, if affectionate attention is not offered. Annoyance and persisted self-pity if consoled, as if to arouse even more sympathy in the other. 

Manipulation, power play, pretense, threat, possessiveness, or feigning of sickness in order to convey that they feel hurt, offended or overlooked. May reject being consoled, which increases their self-pity and may create further alienation in others. 


Vervain treats states of over-enthusiam which lead to exaggerated attempts to convert others to one's own views. Escalating tension and excessive drive of willpower. Gradual depletion of reserves. Manic and catatonic states. Hyperthyroidism. 


Enthusiastic, fixed ideas. Fervency and fanaticism. Excitability, impressionability, and quickly aroused motivation and fondness for others. Excessive joy, exaggerated, unbalanced emotions of love and friendship. Extreme disgust and rejection. Hysterical mood swings. Political fanaticism and outbursts of violence. Self-righteous.
Manic states within mental illness. Bipolar disorders and problems with impulse control. Obsessive-compulsive disorders. Delusions and psychoses with excessive fervency, ecstasy and mani. 


Vine treats the tendency to engage in dominant behavior. 
Over-ambitiousness accompanied by envy, frustration and worry, leading to the formation of gastric and duodenal ulcers, or coronary heart disease. 


Assumes control over others. Dominance, preceded by overt attempts to fight back. Disregards peoples' opinions and wishes. Condescending. 
Manipulations, schemes and tricks or flattery. Exploitive. Abusive behavior and stubbornness. Passive agressive personalities. 
Resistant to change. Very goal-oriented. Tendency to forget one's needs. 
Ruthless and violent. Haughty, ego-centered and self-aggrandizing. Anger, impatient and exasperated. Calculating. Reserved. Frustration, a sense of injustice, self-pity, rebelliousness and stubbornness. 


People in need of Beech may appear haughty and rigid in body posture, in some cases, frequently raised eyebrows can be observed. Faultfinding, criticism and intolerance are predominant traits. The attitude may also be less condescending, more nagging and dissatisfied. 

In the treatment of persecutory delusions or paranoid personality disorders, Beech lessens the tendency to overly criticize others and fit them into a specific image with threatening features. 


Bach describes the indications for the remedy, “The mind is narrowed in perception, tolerance, and judgement, although one believes oneself to have the right attitude and capacity for assessment. This results in self-deception. The ego raises itself above others with the self-appointed right to assume critical judgement on another’s expression of life. It’s a state of arrogance, an attempt to impress upon others one’s own standards of assessment considered special or perfect. 

“Judging others creates superiority and those criticized are held low, condescended against. Oftentimes, one actually does not want them to measure up to one's own perfect style, so that one may continue to consider oneself special. The mind does not want others to move up in standard and it gives more personal satisfaction to keep them in their place. 
There is often an underlying sadness, a personal loss of a more perfect reality that is mourned. To have personal perfect standards and finding reality wanting implies a loss, a sense of being let down. In many cases, if grief was not allowed to be fully worked through there may develop a Beech state. The event or the person is criticized or rejected, instead of mourned. 

Rock Water

Rigidity and hardening of physical structures. Excessive willpower resulting in inner tension and strain. 


Disappointment or despair, leading to a sacrifice or loss of pleasure. 
Inner conflict. Intense self-control, leading to personal pride and the desire to inspire others to be equally strong. Rigidity and self-centered toughness, with frustration, sadness, depression, or anger. Hardened. Sense of loss. 
Ritualistic, perfectionist, obsessive-compulsive behavior. Tendency to adhere to routines and one-sided acceptance of limitations. Self-denial and habitual patterns in the rehabilitation of addictive drugs or behavioral patterns. 

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