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Strong Cases: Homeopathy for Concentration Issues

 In my own practice, I saw so much beautiful improvements in my patients' children but I would like to share with you here some real cases from real homeopaths from around the world, especially successful with concentration issues. 

A Case of Lack of Concentration

Dr. Pooriya Jeste Subhedar presents a case of behavior problems in a seven year old boy.

A 7 year old boy came with his mother to my clinic. His mother is a nurse and the father is handicapped but working. His mother complained that the boy is too restless. He doesn’t sit at one place, doesn’t want to study and performs poorly in examinations. She said he doesn’t obey and is very irritable, talking back to everyone. He beats on his mother and throws things away when angry. There are complaints from his teachers that he doesn’t pay attention in class and lacks concentration. He also fights with other students. His books are incomplete and all crumpled. He doesn’t take notes in class. He makes spelling mistakes, e.g writes ‘b’ in place of ‘d’.  He likes cars and has technical knowledge and also likes to play video-games and go cycling.


craving : sweets+++, candy/ dry fruits

Aversion: rice

thirst: more for cold water

stool: constipated

urine: burning sometimes

perspiration: head after exertion/ palms

sleep: teeth grinding++ ; muttering

dreams: nothing specific

thermals: ambithermal

MENTALS: restless; no concentration; changeable mood; Earlier hyperactive, fighting, cycling.
understanding+ short tempered+ beats on mother; throws things away; irritable
observation: The boy was silent and a bit shy at first visit, but was responsive and smiling. He did not agree to whatever his mother was saying. Kept on beating his mom saying what she told me was not true. He also said I will beat you on going home. He answered all the questions properly. He interacted well when asked for his preferences such as cars, games.

Prescription and Analysis

First Chamomilla was prescribed on the basis of his symptoms – irritability, spiteful, throwing things away. Tuberculinum was not given as the child had no fear at all. Chamomilla reduced his ‘irritable, quarrelsome, “no cooperation “attitude. When patient came in March, a new complaint, ‘fear of exams’ was mentioned. He became tense during exams. Due to the tension he forgot what was learned…. forgot tables and poems. Also lack of concentration. After reading tuberculin from different authors especially Kent, my next prescription was Tuberculinum. I gave Tuberculinum 1M total 6 doses.

The boy and his mother returned 4 months after the last dose was given. His mother said she did not feel the need to take medicine for him in between. All his complaints were reduced. Marked improvement was seen in his studies, concentration and sincerity. There were no complaints from his teachers which happened frequently earlier. Answering back has reduced to nil. Restlessness is present+ but irritability is reduced. He has secured good grades in his exams and was appreciated by class teacher. He was also appointed as discipline monitor of his class. He studies on his own and doesn’t need to be pushed. He still exhibits teeth grinding sometimes and argues with his father sometimes. However beating people and throwing things has reduced. I told his mother to come only if has problems again.

Lack of Concentration in a Boy of 10

Dr. Chetna Rochani treats lack of concentration in a boy of 10.

This is a 10-year old boy who was brought by his mother. She is asking for help for her son who is failing in school exams and was asked by the school teacher to repeat the same class. He is lacking concentration in studies. He remains silent or suddenly gets angry and his mood keeps changing. His confidence is extremely low. He gets hurt easily. He cries during sleep.

During consultation he started answering my questions without any hesitation:

Q: What do you want to become? (I asked this to know if he interested in something other than academics)

A: I want to become a pilot. I like to watch movies, play guitar, tabla, drum.

Q. Which subject do you like the most?

A. I love math, but I can’t understand, maybe the teacher is not good.

Q. Tell me more about you.

A: I like Animals –especially the giraffe, elephant, camel. A camel can walk in hot desert.  He doesn’t get dust in his eyes, because of plastic-like covering over eyes that prevents it.  The giraffe is tallest one and elephant walks very nicely. I like birds – especially peacock, parrot, bulbul.

Q. Fears?

A: Ghosts. I start crying in my sleep when I see blood. I do get scared of snakes, lizards because these are poisonous one.  I like to share everything…I share my tiffin with my friends.  I don’t like my team leader because she does backbiting, she reveals others’ secrets, she expels me from the group.

Q. What group are you talking about?

A. We are in the same group of friends where we plan for meals, outings and playing games, then our moms also join with us. All people are good in team except her. She tells me this is wrong, this is right. She is very dominating. I am scared of being expelled from group, scared of being alone.

Case Analysis

This patient belongs to the mammal group. He expresses a strong desire to belong to a group. Fear of being expelled from the team is the main issue that is very clear and repeatedly stated by the patient. Conflict of receiving and giving – love, food, care, attention. Anger from being dominated. Low self worth.

There is a theme of victim and aggressor. A theme of hierarchy –superior / inferior. Words like dominated, dictated, under someone. The patient is dependent on his group for sharing food, outings, for love, care and attention.  He has a strong desire to belong to a group, feel safe and secure within the group. The stability of a group provides him with a sense of security. This indicates the mammal group.

His group leader expels him from the group, ignores him, yet he still gets her favorite breakfast to please her.  He is trying to please, to be liked, cared for and accepted because he is feeling left out and rejected. There is a feeling of low self-worth… I’ m not good enough, I’m ugly. Dominance is the main theme in Lac caninum. Here the patient has submitted, finds himself weaker, bears beatings, blames others for his suffering and gets angry with them for treating him badly.

Follow up:  June, 2019

This year the patient is passing with 65%. His mother is very happy. This time she didn’t complain about anything regarding her son. She said that his relationship with his younger brother and friends had improved a lot.  He is much calmer and more focused now.

His teachers are also surprised to see his improvement.  He doesn’t get scary dreams and his sleep is sound. He has started learning the French language now, along with his studies. He can concentrate very well. Whenever this child sees any dull student in his class, he asks them to take homoeopathic medicine (stated by tuition teacher to his mother.)

I have not needed to repeat the remedy. I have been in contact with his mother and teacher and he is absolutely doing well. He can focus on his studies and he is not aggressive now as he used to be earlier. Rather he has become more calm and mature.

Follow up January 2020

I have not repeated remedy after the first dose. He is doing well. I get updates from his mother as well his teacher. He can focus on his studies and he is not aggressive now as he used to be earlier. He has become calmer and more mature. He is not getting into conflicts with friends and instead has started making new friends.

No new physical complaints, or any negative remarks from school have been received. Now things are going smoothly for him as well for his family members.

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