Which Bach Flowers Against Fear? There's a group of flowers that Dr. Bach discovered were very efficient "For Those Who Have Fears" Now their essence is available online or in stores, to be diluted in water and drank on a regular basis to benefit from them. Aspen : Aspen can greatly benefit those unable to fall asleep due to their fears of letting go. Sleeping disorders and insomnia due to nightmares of an eerie, haunting kind. Foreboding and anxious disquiet mind and body. In panic disorders, when no apparent reason can be given for the attacks. Anxiety attacks marked by the typical, vague fears with shaking and trembling. Anxiety about death. Mental and emotional withdrawal. Dejected or haunted in appearance. MIND: In the Alpen state, the mind is overly receptive and too easily impressed. Primordial fears and feelings of doom. Delusions, superstitions, omens, fateful encounters, prophesies and ghost stories. Some people develop personal rituals to e...