If you're suffering from uncertainty, there are six Bach Flowers that can help you, depending on your specific situation. Let's have a look at each of them so you can choose which one fits you the most. Always use your present circumstances as a reference.
The Group called "For Those Who Suffer Uncertainty" can be described as For those suffering from doubt, hopelessness, uncertainty and lack of clarity of purpose in daily affairs.
1) Cerato: Helps trust your own judgment in decision-making.
2) Scleranthus: Helps when you have a hard time choosing between two things, such as Chalavi or Basari food, you simply can not decide which restaurant to go to.
States of indecisiveness and vacillation between options. The body is marked by a changeability of symptoms as well. Symptoms may alternate between mental, emotional and physical states.
Vacillating between feeling loved and rejected. Bipolar disorders, manic-depressive states, dissociative personality disorder and in conversion disorder. Hysterical neurosis when symptoms vacillate between extremes.
Quick changes in weight. Travel sickness due to disturbance in equilibrium. After head injuries, when the mind is imbalanced or over-stimulated, with a sense of chaos. Susceptibility to lung tuberculosis, other lung conditions.
Gives mental calm and restores the mind's ability to be in charge, to regain an overview. State of prolonged indecisiveness, usually in regard to a vital decision. Has been found to precede the onset of illness.
Inner uncertainty. Unable to come to a satisfying decision. Changes mind frequently. Preoccupied, over stimulated with internal arguments, disoriented and exasperated. Dread about possibly making the wrong choice paralyzes the mind.
Over stimulated by details and cares. Confusion. Inability to calm the mind. Feels overwhelmed, inadequate. Emotional instability, capriciousness, mood swings. Too easily impressed, overreacts. Sudden interest and disinterest.
Feeling Discouraged?
3) Gentian: Helps when you get discouraged and depressed when things go wrong or when you are faced with even small delays or difficulties.
Doubts and uncertainties over daily affairs. Doubtful and discouraged about the slow process of cure. Lack of physical stamina.
Easily discouraged. Weakened capacity for perseverance. Lack of courage, inner stamina and faith. Disheartened as soon as hindrances arise. Lack of centeredness, self assurance, willpower. Tendency to give up. Lack of iterest. Tendency to exaggerate, especially small setbacks. Sadness or depression.
4) Gorse: Helps when you feel great hopelessness, and have given up belief that more can be done.
Will raise spirits in cases of true hopelessness, such as terminal illness. Lowered vitality and sinking of strength. Sense of resignation to a hopeless situation.
Deep hopelessness. Calm, with underlying sadness and a sense of misfortune and suffering. Denial and recurring disappointment. Negativity. Uncertainty about the future.
5) Hornbeam: Helps when you feel that you do not have a sufficient amount of strength mentally or physically to carry the burden that life has placed on you.
Lethargy in mind and body. Mild depression. Diminished concentration and easy fatigue after head injuries. Useful for prolonged mental work, revitalizes clarity and concentration and gives perseverance. Developmental, learning disabilities and retardation.
Brain dysfunction due to physical causation. Physical fatigue, with a devitalization of the body. Avoidance of work and procrastination due to fatigue. Work does not appeal.
Fatigued and listless, with bodily lethargy. Dullness, difficulty concentrating due to lack of energy. Lack of interest, boredom. Frustration, overwhelmed feeling. Irritable, occasional resentment and unkindness.
6)Wild Oat: Helps when you are at a crossroad in life and are uncertain as to which direction to choose.
Wild Oat deals with lack of motivation and incentive. A depressive mood may permeate the mind and body. Lethargy, a lack of appetite and mental dullness.
Organic mental disorders and mental retardation after head injuries. Obesity. Peptic ulcer. Diabetes. Drug abuse.
Aimless, dissatisfied. Unmotivated. Absent-minded. Lack of motivation and incentive. Lack of concentration. Boredom, lethargy and dissatisfaction.
Source: Dr. Robin. Murphy, Materia Medica
How are Bach Flower Essences created?
In most cases, the fresh flowers are put into a bowl of water and allowed to sit in the sun for several hours. The water imbued with healing power is used as medicine. Remember that water is "humble" that way: it picks up the vibration of whatever it comes in contact with... I wrote about this phenomena in The Science of Homeopathy, because the same logic applies to homeopathic remedies - and it's exactly the reason why they are so efficient!
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