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Parents Homeopathic Profiles

 Yes I treat mainly children, but when the mothers hop on the healing train, results are much more impressive! Thanks to my good "colleague" and teacher, Angelica Lemke, for these portraits of parents' remedies from her book Healing Complex Children With Homeopathy available on Amazon.  Sepia Hormonally stagnant people (mostly women, sometimes men) who are resentful towards their family to the point of being mean and or wanting to escape. Post partum depression. Emotionally flat, heavy and exhausted. Feels better with movement, being industrius/busy, exercising and checking things off their to-do lists. Helps women come back into an emotionally/hormonally free flowing place where there is joy in connecting with the family.  Pulsatilla Nice sweet women (and sometimes men) with soft, emotional eyes who weep easily and need approval. They give love to receive love. Lots of hormonal issues - can easily be hormonally stagnant (irregular periods) and do better with exercise an

Do I exist? The Alumina Remedy Portrait

 Thanks to Mati Fuller and her amazing Materia Medica! Alumina Portrait of a Homeopathic Remedy  Alumina likes to be in control in relationships. She’s fastidious and usually does things as perfectly as she can. She often compensates for weak sense of self by being ambitious, obstinate, headstrong and quarrelsome.  QUIET  Alumina is a timid, mild mannered, quiet person, with a tendency to be serious, absent minded and somewhat spaced out. Because she has a weak sense of self, she needs a lot of recognition, support and respect from others. Therefore, relationships are very important to her, but unfortunately, her relationships are often as undefined as her personal sense of self. Her identity becomes so weak that she often doesn’t even know if she exists. She may develop a sense of duality, or a sense that everything is unreal, as if in a dream. At times, her mind can become so dull and sluggish that it makes any kind of thinking and comprehension almost impossible and she may not even

20 Portraits de Remèdes du Dr. Nash

Source: Homeopathie Internationale   ACONITUM NAPELLUS 1.-  PEUR , de la mort, de la foule, de sortir, etc. ; a toujours peur, peureux ; effets durables d'une peur, de la peur. 2. - Troubles et maladies, secondaires à l'exposition à l'air froid et sec. 3. - Congestions et inflammations ; aiguës ; au stade de début ; accompagnées par une grande anxiété et des douleurs insupportables ; fièvre avec agitation et nervosité ; s'agite sans cesse avec angoisse ; rejette ses couvertures, ou sa literie. 4. Douleurs insupportables, intolérables, aggravées la nuit, surtout durant la soirée ; névralgies. 5. Visage rouge et congestionné, mais devient pâle en se levant ; une joue rouge. 6. - Localisations électives : larynx (croup), bronches, poumons, plèvres, articulations, cœur et circulation. 7. - Modalités : Aggravation  : durant la soirée (douleurs et symptômes pulmonaires), couché sur le côté gauche ; dans une pièce chaude, ou, par des vêtements chauds. Amélioration  : en se déc

Hyperactive Remedy Profiles

 Let's start this new post with Medorrhinum and we'll follow with Tuberculinum at the bottom Medorrhinum: WILD General Description These are people who try everything: they are born to push limits. They are "over the top" night people who feel at their best in the evening or at night.  The Essence of Medorrhinum is a somewhat excessive person who is larger than life, sometimes slightly coarse and crude and lacking in sensitivity or the opposite. They are usually very extrovert, do everything in excess if they can, are slightly wild and generally very lively. Children Description of Medorrhinum Most children of this remedy type are very extroverted and vital, displaying much energy and life. For some this vitality is amplified to the point of irritating those around them. They can become loud, chattering incessantly, all day long. They usually play hard and enthusiastically. These energetic entertainers have a full personality and a twinkle in their eyes. They enjoy so

Focus on Concentration: How can Homeopathy Help?

Approximately 30% of children diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), the most prevalent mental health disorder in children worldwide, do not respond to conventional pharmaceutical treatments. Most people anyway don't want to deal with allopathic medicine with their wide range of side-effects.  Homeopathy is a safe and proven system of alternative medicine, one of the most popular in the world, which can remove old patterns in a very short period of time. We'd like to focus on concentration and behavioral issues in children.  **** A recent study in Toronto showed that: 1) There was an improvement in ADHD symptoms as measured by the Conner 3 Global Index-Parent T-score in the two groups that received consultations with a homeopathic practitioner when compared with the usual care control group. 2) Parents of the children in the study who received homeopathic consultations also reported greater coping efficacy compared with those receiving usual care. ****

Pellet of Mussar: The Other Song

 I think the best part of being a homeopath is to hear people's "other song". Let me explain. As I told my patients and students numerous time, part of us is Divine (we're hoping 100% of the time we're connected to that part!) and part of us, the Other Song, is less. Some people get easily angry, others are more messy, some are often sad, everybody has their "other song". When we look for a remedy (doesn't matter what the official diagnosis is), we want to address the other part of us, the unbalanced part, the one that prevents us from doing our Avodat Hashem.  Hahnemann said (the founder of homeopathy)  that a healthy state is when the "reasoning spirit who inhabits the organism can freely use this healthy instrument to reach the lofty goal of human existence" (from his book The Organon of Medicine ). We're born with this "less divine" part of us, and the job of the homeopath is to hear, identify and treat the other song so t

Pellet of Mussar: My Business Consultant

I've been told to use her business counsellor in order to help my practice gain some speed. I don't regret this decision. Not only did I improve my income without compromise on the quality of my homeopathic services, but also it helped with my children's education. Here's how. My First Business Consultant In our generation (in truth it's been like that for a few hundred years now), children, even small children, think of themselves as small adults. Hard to educate somebody who thinks he knows it all already, parents look like tyrants trying to guide their children in the right path. Children close themselves off chas v sha-lom and then who knows which road they'll take? So this great rebbe, Kolomynus Shapira, told the parents in his book on education, how to approach the child. Tell the child he's the boss, he's the one deciding about his life. You, as a parent, you're there to guide him, give him advice as per needed, not to impose anything on him.