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Focus on Concentration: How can Homeopathy Help?

Approximately 30% of children diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), the most prevalent mental health disorder in children worldwide, do not respond to conventional pharmaceutical treatments.

Most people anyway don't want to deal with allopathic medicine with their wide range of side-effects. 

Homeopathy is a safe and proven system of alternative medicine, one of the most popular in the world, which can remove old patterns in a very short period of time. We'd like to focus on concentration and behavioral issues in children. 


A recent study in Toronto showed that:

1) There was an improvement in ADHD symptoms as measured by the Conner 3 Global Index-Parent T-score in the two groups that received consultations with a homeopathic practitioner when compared with the usual care control group.

2) Parents of the children in the study who received homeopathic consultations also reported greater coping efficacy compared with those receiving usual care.


Why is that??

Ritalin and other drugs of the kind are a "one-size-fits-all" but your child is different from the other children: how could it be that on same drug fits them all?

Some are really hyperactive, need stimulation all the time, focus on the next thrill. Others are sad and closed, cold-blooded, depressed and violent. Also some children are sweet and nice and really want to collaborate with the therapist in the healing process. Others are really bored and not satisfied, changing their circumstances all the time. 

The homeopath will take all these differences (and more) into consideration to find one specific remedy for your child. The mother also can participate in the healing journey - she becomes stronger, healthier and more balanced for the benefit of the whole family, including the child with attention-deficit disorder. 

The inner problem (where the lack of energy and balance originates) gets taken care of, at the root. You help the child and the parent heal from the inside out. It also helps him later in life, to deal better with situations, and his own children will also be healthier (it's a proven fact amongst homeopaths that their patient's children when the parents are treated with homeopathy, come out stronger and healthier). 

Every child is unique and needs a unique understanding, response and curative process. This is the homeopathic way. 


Another study from Switzerland shows the efficacity of homeopathy in ADHD disorders. "Effects of homeopathy in children with ADHD have been demonstrated in the present randomised double blind crossover trial."

- improved auditory shortterm memory,

- a trend to increased stability of mood,

- better reactions to unexpected events,

++ on the whole, the overall intensity of ADHD symptoms appears to be lower during treatment and results in an improvement in the childrens’ social, emotional and scholastic behaviour.

==  the authors have observed that stopping treatment after prolonged medication leads to a slow decline of previous improvements over a time period of several months in most children.

The results of this trial point to the effectiveness of homeopathy in the treatment of ADHD. (Necessity of accurate observation and recording of symptoms by the parents)


Drugs as a Way of Life?

Parents using drugs themselves are effectively saying to their kids that this is how you cope with life. Drugs for conception, drugs for birth, drugs for pain, drugs for depression, street drugs to space out, alcohol and cigarettes to numb the pain, drugs for diseases - no responsibility for anything. Children learn this subliminally and this is their real education. Giving them drugs as kids is conditioning to this as a way of life. 

Caring parenting means staying present, feeling your emotional pain and staying off drugs. Even when the children are not around, you can't fool them this way. This applies to the grandparents and all the family. 

Obviously some dietary restrictions are a good idea, as is a good organic diet and removal of junk food; these are obviously helpful to everyone. But the basic causes are often hidden deep in the family traumas, and homeopathy is possibly the best system to address this. We're talking about powerful remedies, a holistic prescribing and freedom from toxicity and side-effects. 


Homeopathy is very benigh and user-friendly and if you follow the guidelines little can go wrong. Even if something does, stopping the remedy will soon alleviate the situation. It is very difficult to do harm with homeopathic remedies if you act sensibly. 

Warning about Combination Remedies

One major caution: do not use combination remedies at the same time. 

They are not like vitamins, tonics, flower remedies or other medicaments of that kind. This is a profound system of in-depth curing and should be treated as such. The combination route can be both dangerous and suppressive. Only one remedy can be right at one time; the rest must be wrong. This is a serious warning. 


Signs of Recovery

1. Feeling better in yourself. Somewhat you feel light, like your old self. Your spirit has come back, you are more confident. Feelings like this are a sure sign. 

2. Being able to deal with life more effictively with less stress.

3. Having more energy, feeling livelier, able to do more, able to run again, laughing a lot. 

4. Changing your life, even if it seems to happen coicidentally. Perharps your job changes, or there is a shift in your attitude toward work or study or towards colleagues, friends or family. Or you may have a moreoutgoing approach to life, changing your friendships somewhat, getting rid of bad relationships and taking on new ones. 

5. Becoming more creative. 

6. About reactions to homeopathic remedies. Those rarely happen. If it does, it's a return of old symptoms but less intense (unless it's a recent, major trauma) It may good to consult or simply to have a spouse, a friend, or a parent to help. In case of a physical reaction - it's either short and painful or slow, less dramatic, more drawn out. This temporary worsening is often because toxins are being eliminated through the outlets of the body, via the stool or urine, through the skin as rashes, pimples, boils or fever...


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