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Hyperactive Remedy Profiles

 Let's start this new post with Medorrhinum and we'll follow with Tuberculinum at the bottom

Medorrhinum: WILD

General Description

These are people who try everything: they are born to push limits. They are "over the top" night people who feel at their best in the evening or at night. 
The Essence of Medorrhinum is a somewhat excessive person who is larger than life, sometimes slightly coarse and crude and lacking in sensitivity or the opposite. They are usually very extrovert, do everything in excess if they can, are slightly wild and generally very lively.

Children Description of Medorrhinum

Most children of this remedy type are very extroverted and vital, displaying much energy and life. For some this vitality is amplified to the point of irritating those around them. They can become loud, chattering incessantly, all day long. They usually play hard and enthusiastically. These energetic entertainers have a full personality and a twinkle in their eyes. They enjoy socializing and usually have many close friends. 


Medorrhinum teenagers often do whatever they want, regardless of any consequences, and the parents are actually better off if they can just allow their Medorrhinum teenager total freedom, or he/she could end up running away from home or simply decide never to speak to them again. When those are the options, the parents are better off trying to stay on friendly terms with Medorrhinum no matter what trouble he gets himself into. That way, there’s at least an opportunity for the parents to be able to help when things don’t work out. 

Hyperactive Medorrhinum Children

Hyperactive Medorrhinum children cannot concentrate very well, forgetting words, concepts and what they were about to say (especially when very tired). 

From Peter Chappel's book on Emotional Healing, we learn the following about Medorrhinum kids:

"The minds of these kids race a mile a minute, their minds crowded with a thousand thoughts at once. Memory can be a real problem; they start and forget the thought. Night owls, these kids can stay uo until all hours and want to sleep in the following morning. Desire to experience everything, loving the forbidden and excessive in anything, for example, love of pets, also cruelty to pets. They can sleep on knees and chest with bum in air well pas one year old. They bite their fingernails, or even toenails, to the quick. Bright red uniform diaper rash, sinusitis and asthma are common. 

Going to Extremes

Medorrhinum people can oscillate between niceness and nastiness, between confidence and timidity, between cruelty and kindness, kicking a cat then stroking it, although they can have a real fear of cats. These people have a fitful nature, spending energy in outbursts, so sporadic activities suit them best. Sustained energy is not for them. 

Hurriedness and Impatience

Another negative attribute commonly found in Meddorhinum children is meanness and cruelty; coupled with high energy it can lead to frequent quarrels, screaming matches and out-and-out fighting.

Impatience and irritability are much worse when the child is contradicted. When this happens, the child wants things his own way even more than usual and seems to develop superhuman strength. In this state, he can fight with everyone around him with great tenacity. The child becomes implacable, throwing things at the wall or even at his parents. 

Waiting for something is probably the worst thing that can happen to Medorrhinum. The combination of anticipation anxiety, a sense of forebonding, impatience, restlessness and the feeling that time has stopped, can drive Medorrhinum insane very quickly. 


If Medorrhinum loses her independence in a relationship, we can safely assume that the relationship won’t survive, since Medorrhinum values freedom and independence more than any job or personal relationship. 
If his/her partner doesn’t appreciate Medorrhinum’s independence and tries to interfere or restrict him in any way, Medorrhinum won’t be happy about it and will express himself as harshly as the situation requires. 
If their parents, mate or boss can allow them enough freedom and independence, Medorrhinum can actually be easy going, happy and fun to be around.

Common Symptoms you'll find with Medorrhinum:

- agressive biting of the fingernails
- love the seaside or are better on holiday by the sea
- sleep most comfortably on their front
- can be extremely jealous and hurried like we saw
- love animals even if they are allergic to them
- suffer grealty from hay fever

Tuberculinum : BORED

Tuberculinum individuals have a kind of hunger to experience a great many things in a short period, as if time was really running out for them. They cannot bear a steady routine, unless it is packed with excitement. More than any other type, they are subject to that awful feeling that they are missing out, whenever the hectic pace of their life slows down and they are left without stimulation. 
The hardest thing for a Tubercular patient is the prospect of being trapped in an unstimulating existence and then dying, having left his greatest desires unfulfilled. 

Many Tuberculinum find an outless for their restlessness through an agressive pursuit of sports. Tuberculinum's restlessness is not aimless. It is accompanied by a drive for stimulation - which prompts Tuberculinum individuals to aggressively enter into new experiences. Their sporting activities satisfy several needs: the need to remain fit so they can maintain the hectic pace of their lives, the need for a challenge to stimulate them, and the ever present need of Tuberculinum to play. 


Probably the most widely known aspect of Tuberculinum's restlessness is his desire to travel. Tuberculinum wanders in search of stimulation and becomes bored when he is in one place doing the same thing for too long. If he's running away it is from boredom rather than fear. He's a relatively unemotional type and is usually clear-headed, and also confident. He goes after what he wants but he's liable to tire of it quickly when he achieves it. 
Tuberculinum is attracted by a novel information which captures his imagination. He's often somewhat of a dilettante intelectually, flitting from one theory or school of thought to another, moving on when something more interesting comes along. 
Those Tuberculinum who overcome their fear of stillness long enough to explore their emotional side more fully tend to become less restless and less cynical. 

Anger and Violence

Here's the example of a case of a 8-year old boy with anger issues and violence against his mother:

The boy would get violent with the parents and sibling, and use hateful language designed to shock and hurt the parents. The boy’s mother would have to regularly pull the car over to the side of the road and get out because her son was assaulting her, both physically and verbally. In addition to regularly kicking and striking his mom and brother, he used abusive and violent language. Although he could be charming and sweet, when he had these episodes, his mother described it “as if he was possessed”. This boy had trouble making friends in school, and blamed everyone else when problems occurred on the playground or at playdates, often ending in someone getting hurt. In summary, this little boy was not in control of his emotions, and he was suffering just as badly as his family. With the correct homeopathic remedy, over the course of a few months, the rage and violence disappeared entirely, and this little boy started rebuilding his friendships at school and finding new ways to cope with his frustration. In the end, the thing that was most important was that he was able to forge a new and loving bond with his parents and sibling. (From Flora&Fauna)


The child who needs Tuberculinum can be malicious with their violent actions, breaking something valuable on purpose, or watching with a smile as they hurt you or something you care about. These children can be abusive and destructive; it seems like they want to pick a fight. They may swear and use foul language, or talk casually about very violent things. In addition, these children tend to be very restless, hyperactive and dissatisfied, longing for change. They are loud, demanding and capricious. Physically, these children tend to have recurring respiratory infections, ear infections and allergies.

Tubercular Child

  • Hyperactivity
  • Erraticism
  • Moodiness and Unpredictability run throughout Tubercular miasm
  • They are tall, rapidly growing children, but emaciated like Phosphorus.
  • Tubercular children are loving and friendly by nature.
  • They love their play, their hobbies, their studies
  • They make a lot of friends because of their good, friendly and cosmopolitan nature.
  • They share their things very easily
  • are always helpful and sympathetic towards other children
  • They are very affectionate towards animals and they have tremendous fear of animals
  • They will always try to be in good books because; they enjoy attention and attraction from everybody.
  • These children have lots of desires and goals, but because of their poor resistance they succumb to external pressures very easily.
  • They have no energy reserves.
  • This results in failure leaving them dejected and depressed. A quiet, internal vexation followed by impulsiveness
  • And violent reaction is a Tubercular, Schizoid personality.
  • Child at play
  • These children are very playful, fun loving and mischievous
  • However, again, erraticism is the hallmark.
  • Tubercular children will never stick to one game or activity, because of their constant desire for change.
  • They cannot pursue one action for a long time.
  • These children may like certain toys or games at one moment
  • And, they have hatred towards the same at another time.
  • They like stories of mischief
  • about traveling, of some unusual characters
  • Or tubercular children wear masks & mimic their favorites.
  • They actually see and perform acts of heroes… …like Superman, Batman, and Cowboys etc. and derive intense pleasure from it.
  • For eg. After seeing Superman / Batman they think… ‘If batman can fly… …why can’t I’
  • They may even perform a heroic act.
  • Result is… anybody’s’ guess…?
  • In reality, I have heard of these children performing these acts, some of them have died, some have succumbed to major injuries and some were lucky enough to survive without a scratch. Scholastic performance:  At school, these children are either poor learner…
  • Or they perform very well.
  • In one semester, these children do extremely well…
  • while just in another semester their performance is very poor. His grades may vary from A to F.
  • They are extremely creative …and hence take part in all drawing competitions. Drawings of a tubercular child are vibrant with live colors.
  • Their paintings depict modern art
  • Their paintings very strongly depict their inner world.
  • Performing Arts: They enjoy participating in all kinds of activities.
  • They are very talented…
  • Very flexible and rhythmic in their movements…
  • Absolute perfectionists…But their body cannot meet the demands of their system…
  • Thus they cannot pursue anything to their final destination…
  • This leaves them sad, frustrated, depressed and exhausted.
  • Emotional Pattern: Erraticity and Moodiness
  • It is clearly proved in the Tubercular children who at one moment are, extremely sensitive & loving and at other times you will see them being indifferent to everything.


Homeopathy seeks to bring about a balance from the deepest part of a person’s being. It can act very quickly and deeply to bring about changes holistically that can change a person’s mood and behavior, to the benefit of everyone, especially the child who is suffering. Homeopathy can help anger and violent behavior by addressing the deeper underlying issue that gives rise to the anger and bring about balance in the mental and emotional health of your child. 

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