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7 Flowers Against Despair

 Bach flowers are available in stock bottle (essence) in different stores around the country or online for purchase. You take two drops of the stock bottle and mix it in a bit of juice of water, to be taken when needed (or you can put the drops directly in your mouth).  Dr. Bach separated the flower essences in different groups according to their main function. We'll see today the One for Despondency or Despair. Please refer to the bottom of the page for the other groups... Despondency or Despair The group deals with states of oppressive, burdening hardship. Larch : Helps you to regain self-esteem and confidence in yourself. Pine : Helps when you feel guilt and self-reproach, often for other people’s mistakes or just anything that goes wrong. You are never content with your effort and results. Elm : Helps when your responsibilities overwhelm you. You feel depressed and exhausted and may lose self-esteem. Sweet Chestnut : Helps you at moments when the anguish is too great and s...

Over-Sensitive to Impressions? 4 Bach Flowers at Your Disposal

 Hashem created a beautiful arsenal of tools in the forms of Bach flowers, which you can order the bottles from stores around the country or online. These essences help you find emotional (and sometimes physical) balance, and they act, in general, very quickly. Here I'd like to talk about Bach's group of flowers called Over sensitivity to Influences and Ideas. Dr. Bach discovered these flower essences and divided their effects into different groups. See at the bottom of the page for other examples.  Over-sensitivity to influences and ideas. All flowers in this group are helping those suffering from vulnerability to disturbances from the outside.  🥀Agrimony : Helps you to communicate your real feelings and worries. You are the cheerful, humorous type that gets distressed by arguments or quarrels. You often hide your feelings behind humor and you use alcohol or drugs in excess to stimulate yourself. 🥀 Centaury : Helps when you find it hard to say no, and therefore easily ...

Care Too Much For Others: Some Bach Flowers.

  Over-care for the welfare of others. This group deals with mental, emotional imbalances in regard to caring for or controlling others. The flowers in this group include (and we'll see them more in depth further on in this post): Chicory: Helps you to be less critical, opinionated, and argumentative. You always find something about others that you believe should be put right.  Vervain: For strong-willed people who hold strong views. They put unnecessary effort into everything they undertake, your mind races ahead of events, you may suffer from lack of sleep due to an overactive mind. Vine: Helps you respect other people’s views and ideas, you tend to try to persuade other people to do things your way. Beech: Helps you be less critical toward other people and accept them as they are. Rock Water: Helps when you expect too much of yourself. Chicory The inactive Chicory type might show an unspoken need to be loved.  Self-pity, prone to pout or look hurt and withdrawn. Overly...

Some Useful Supplements in ADHD Cases

 According to this book "The Kid Friendly ADHD and Autism Cookbook", we've got a few supplements that are known to be needed in cases of ADHD and autism. In this post we'll cover also some natural supplements that are good in promoting brain-function (like focus, memory and concentration) Magnesium, so prevalent in dark greens, vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds, it poorly absorbed in the presence of maldigestion problems. Low levels can result in mood disorders, hyperactivity, distractability, impulsivity, sounds sensitivity, irritability, muscle spasms, depression, and poor muscle endurance.  B-vitamin deficiencies is frequent in children with ADHD or autism.  Essential fatty-acid deficiency is common in both ADHD and autism and shows up as eczema; poor hair quality; and problems with brain and neurological development, vision, immunity and bowel health.  Zinc deficiency in also common with children with ADHD. It usually results from maldigestion, malabsorption and...

Feeling Lonely: 3 Flower Options

 Hashem put in nature small miracles in the form of flowers: three amazing flowers with the potential to help in cases of loneliness, each one with its particularities.  Three Flowers for Loneliness: Pick Yours All three remedies bring healing to those suffering from inner loneliness mostly due to self-centered reasons and losing the connection with others.  Water Violet:  Helps you get a warmer relationship with other people. You love being alone but often find yourself lonely. Impatiens : For those who act and think quickly, and have no patience for what they see as the slowness of others. They often prefer to work alone. Teaches empathy and understanding of and patience with others. It is found to be fast-acting in alleviating an impatient attitude and lowering stress. Heather:  Helps when you are unhappy being alone for any length of time, you are always seeking companionship and find it necessary to discuss your affairs with others, no matter who it may be....

Basics About Homeopathy (and Then Some)

How does Homeopathy Work? Homeopathy isn't treating a disease - it's treating a person with a disease.  Homeopathic remedies aim to stimulate the body's own healing mechanisms.  We homeopaths believe that physical disease often has mental and emotional components, so a homeopathic diagnosis includes physical symptoms (such as feverishness), current emotional and psychological state (such as anxiety and restlessness), and the person's constitution. (A person's constitution includes qualities related to creativity, initiative, persistence, concentration, physical sensitivities, and stamina.)  The right remedy for a condition will take all of these aspects into account, so each diagnosis and remedy is individualized. That means 3 people with hay fever could need 3 different prescriptions. In 1900, homeopathy was the leading alternative therapy in the U.S., with 22 homeopathic medical schools, including Boston University, University of Michigan, Ohio State, University o...

For Those Who Suffer Uncertainty: 6 Possible Flowers

If you're suffering from uncertainty, there are six Bach Flowers that can help you, depending on your specific situation. Let's have a look at each of them so you can choose which one fits you the most. Always use your present circumstances as a reference. The Group called "For Those Who Suffer Uncertainty" can be described as  For those suffering from doubt, hopelessness, uncertainty and lack of clarity of purpose in daily affairs.  1)  Cerato : Helps trust your own judgment in decision-making. A lack of assertiveness may exist, the person is rather retreating and allows others to lead. In regard to uncertain, unsteady gait or posture, especially if caused by reluctance or inhibition, Cerato will give physical assurance. In diseases of the immune system, when it does ot know how to achieve health, Cerato may aid in reviving inner strength and help the organism decide on a strategy of defense.  Internal agony, preoccupation with oneself, hampering self-observation an...