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Basics About Homeopathy

What is homeopathy?

  • The principles of homeopathy were originally developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physician to the Royal family, and are based in the law of similars, also known as “like cures like”
  • In 1900, homeopathy was a leading therapy in the U.S., with 22 homeopathic medical schools. This began changing when, in 1901, the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research was established, and in 1910 when the Carnegie Foundation in secret collaboration with the AMA published the “Flexner Report”, with the aim of replacing homeopathy and herbs with chemical drugs
  • The more a medicine undergoes a specific pharmacological process of “potentization,” that is, serial dilution with vigorous shaking, the more effective and long-lasting it is, as nanodoses are able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and cellular membranes with greater ease
  • There are more than 300 double-blind and placebo-controlled trials published in peer-reviewed medical journals, including The Lancet, The British Medical Journal, Pediatrics, Rheumatology, the journal Cancer and many others
  • According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, some homeopathic remedies contain no active ingredient, yet it still claims homeopathic remedies can be dangerous

How does homeopathy work?

Homeopathy isn't treating a disease - it's treating a person with a disease. 

Homeopathic remedies aim to stimulate the body's own healing mechanisms. We homeopaths believe that physical disease often has mental and emotional components, so a homeopathic diagnosis includes physical symptoms (such as feverishness), current emotional and psychological state (such as anxiety and restlessness), and the person's constitution. (A person's constitution includes qualities related to creativity, initiative, persistence, concentration, physical sensitivities, and stamina.)

 The right remedy for a condition will take all of these aspects into account, so each diagnosis and remedy is individualized. That means 3 people with hay fever could need 3 different prescriptions.

The Healing Crisis

In about 20 percent of patients with chronic illness, [there's] a healing crisis at first, where their symptoms get worse … in the first 48 hours. Sometimes they re-experience old symptoms they haven't had in many months, years or even decades … Especially, it brings out skin problems, or women might have an early menstruation that will be clotted, because it's almost like they're going through detox.
When they begin talking about old symptoms coming back, those symptoms were typically treated in an allopathic way, and thus suppressed. One of the things people have to understand is that when we say conventional medicines work, all too often, that's the bad news.
That means they were effective in suppressing a symptom and a disease, and from a homeopathic point of view, the reason there's more mental illness, more cancer and heart disease, chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction is because we treat illness in a suppressive way.

Homeopathy Used to Have a Major Place in Therapeutics

In 1900, homeopathy was the leading alternative therapy in the U.S., with 22 homeopathic medical schools, including Boston University, University of Michigan, Ohio State, University of Minnesota, University of Iowa and New York Medical College, which at the time was called New York Homeopathic Medical College.

All of this changed when, in 1901, the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research was established, and in 1910 when the Carnegie Foundation (in secret collaboration with the A.M.A.) published the “Flexner Report,” with the aim of replacing homeopathy and other natural medicines, such as herbs, with chemical drugs.

Less Is More

The more diluted the medicine is, the more effective it becomes. While this may sound incredibly paradoxical to the modern mind, there's a good explanation for it. One is the simple fact that these nano-doses are able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, entering into deeper recesses of the brain.
These nanoparticles can also enter cellular membranes with greater ease without triggering a defense mechanism. A more concentrated dose can set off a proverbial alarm in the cell, causing the membrane to lock itself down to prevent the foreign substance or toxin from entering.

Another major benefit is the fact that there are no side effects. Were you to select the wrong remedy, nothing happens. There's no reaction — no benefit, but also no adverse effect.


When it comes to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), its stance on homeopathy is irrational to say the least, because on the one hand, it claims there's no active ingredient in some homeopathic medicines, in other words, it's essentially a placebo, yet on the other hand it claims homeopathic remedies are dangerous. Again, it's worth remembering that the FDA must approve all pharmaceutical drugs, and the average American is often taking of several simultaneously — many of which have flimsy justification for their use at best. Drugs, as a general rule, never treat underlying causes. They treat symptoms by suppressing them.

The insanity of this model is evidenced by the fact that drugs, when properly taken as perscribed, kill an estimated 106,000 Americans each year. Yet, in the name of "protecting public health," the FDA claims homeopathic remedies may need to be reined in because they might be dangerous, but also claim that some have no active ingredients. (Source: Mercola)


The media will typically tell you there’s no evidence that homeopathy works. In reality, there are more than 300 double-blind and placebo-controlled trials published in peer-reviewed medical journals, including The Lancet, The British Medical Journal (BMJ), the journal of Pediatrics; the Chest (the journal of the American College of Chest Physicians); Cancer (the journal of the American Cancer Society); Rheumatology (the journal of the British Society for Rheumatology); Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal, and many more.

 Most scientists would state categorically that homeopathy is a scientific impossibility. Who would disagree, as the explanation that is currently provided to support homeopathy makes very little sense. How is it possible that a solution that contains no chemical atoms (Avogadro’s number) causes a biological reaction in the body? All of our basic understanding of science screams out that this is impossible. But what if all that we have been taught at school, at university and at work is in fact only part of the truth. What if there was a missing part of our education that provides the missing link that makes subjects such as homeopathy scientifically obvious? What if there is much more to our body than simply chemicals?

A 7 year international study (location: India, Serbia and and Indians living in USA) of 500 children in the 3 – 15 year age group with delayed development, autism, tuberous sclerosis, dyspraxia, border line Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and cerebral palsy. The study found 60% of the developmental disorder cases had personal family problems or other issues at home. Also 30% of children who were diagnosed with a developmental disorder were pre-term, had mothers with low BMI, sub fertility, and stress during pregnancy.

The children were put under Homeopathic corrective bio-therapy where each child’s own growth gradient was stimulated by giving a specific homeopathy medicine aimed at the child’s constitution (mental and physical make-up). These children were regularly monitored in for 2-7 years individually and an independent Population Genetics expert also monitored each child to infer the pre and post treatment differences. 80% of the children were found to be living a physically and psychologically balanced life. The focus of the treatment and management through homeopathy was not to treat the isolated symptoms of the developmental disorder, but to treat the child as a whole and help in building up the personality traits of the child from the time of the treatment.

If we look at Homeopathy from a completely different area of science other than chemistry then we can begin to understand how Homeopathy really works. It is just like one of those intellectual games that people play, where the answer is so obvious once you know it, but impossible if you don’t.

Take the following situation:Your body is one whole thing. Its made up of systems like respiratory, gastrointestinal, nervous, etc. All these systems are made up of organs like lungs, liver, heart, etc. All these organs are made up of tissues e.g: connective, muscle, nervous, etc. All these tissues are made up of specialised cells e.g: neutron, hepatocyte, epidermal, etc. Here is the most important part. All these cells have a nucleus (except for RBCs). The cell nucleus contains the majority of the cell’s genetic material in the form of multiple linear DNA molecules organized into structures called chromosomes. Each human cell contains roughly two meters of DNA. This DNA is interesting as it stores tons of information. Yes,

information on how each cell should behave! The information in DNA is stored as a code made up of four chemical bases: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). Human DNA consists of about 3 billion bases, and more than 99 percent of those bases are the same in all people. The order, or sequence, of these bases determines the information available for building and maintaining an organism, similar to the way in which letters of the alphabet appear in a certain order to form words and sentences. So any treatment aimed at changing tendencies of the body must correct errors here. Inherited or acquired. e.g: Hypertension, diabetes, ischemic heart disease, etc. 

All in all would you be able to change a code with any material substance? This won’t be possible with material substances: homeopathic, allopathic, ayurvedic, etc, etc…

A BIG NO!!!!

You may give a child a punishment or reward to behave better but matter influences matter and information influences information. Only education can transform you through the impressions you’ve had through it, the physical books are useless!

Now if we turn back to homeopathy, we have to look at it from the same idea and say that the idea that chemicals are the issue is irrelevant to solving the problem. It is not the chemicals in the solution that cause a biological change but the vibrations that emanated from the chemicals, which have an affect. The massive missing part of our education is simply the concept of “vibrations” and everything that they affect. The same is true with every aspect of our body, it works on two levels, a chemical one and a vibrational one, they go hand in hand, one does not work without the other. As every electron vibrates uniquely and everything is made up of electrons then it is incontrovertible to state that everything vibrates, absolutely everything. So if everything vibrates, it would seem fairly logical that one vibration must affect another. Just take sound as an example, a choir all singing together sounds very different from a school playground.The same thing happens in our body, you get choirs in parts of our body where it is healthy vibrationally and noisy playgrounds where our body’s organs are malfunctioning causing vibrational disharmony and sickness.

This idea is hugely controversial as it contradicts everything that we have been taught. The tragedy however, is that science has proven it to be true in thousands of different studies, but has not promoted is as it implies that pharmaceutical drugs are not the only cure in town. 

Water has the amazing property that enables it to change its vibrational pattern to the chemical or environment in which it is in. This is an incredibly important point and one that needs to be remembered, water is a chameleon, adapting itself to its environment vibrationally.

As an example, in one experiment, if you treated a cup of water with a specific vibrational frequency the water would change itself to that specific vibration and it would stay like that forever. It would only change if it came across a different vibration. Depending on the vibrational frequency of the water, different illnesses can be treated.


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