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Leave my Flu Alone!

Leave my Flu Alone!

 When it gets cold, my nose starts to get blocked, but only inside, not outside in the sun. There I'm fine, I breathe freely, thank goodness. Now over the phone it could be I sound a bit "under the weather" and as a homeopath, it means I get comments such a "you should take one of your remedies!".

When I have enough time, I try to explain that not everything needs to be taken care of with medicines, no matter how safe they are. Sometimes life needs you to get through little "sufferings" such as a stuffy nose, for whatever reason He had in mind.

I always tell my patients "if it's not a handicap in your life, you could let it go. Wait it out." 

My blocked nose is maybe a 2/10 kind of problem. It's always useful to grade your health issue: is it a real day-to-day handicap, a 10/10? or you barely feel it, 1/10? 

Let me tell you a story. A few years ago, with all the pregnancies, I started having a chronic hip (joint) pain, that would leave me paralyzed for hours. Meaning my full-time learning husband had to stay home take care of the children and the house. I went to the regular clinic, with no avail. Osteopathy helped for only so long, at a high monetary price (and travelling). Homeopathy was my life-saver, thank goodness. After a few doses (that's a few shekels maybe) I was back on my feet, sent my husband back to kollel and my young lady helper back to her mother. Now I barely have relapses and when I do, I take a dose or two (cost: maybe one shekel) and I'm back on track. That's worth dealing with, and homeopathy helps. 

Same thing with post-partum. After a bunch of children, a mother can feel over-tired and emotionally drained. Again, homeopathy helped where I found only "bandaid" solutions elsewhere. And it was worth taking the time to find the remedy, because this kind of depression can be a real handicap for the whole family.

So when my nose gets a bit blocked, and I'm still able to breathe nicely in the sun, I thank Hashem for the little problems because I remember the bigger ones, the real ones. 

When homeopathy becomes part of our lives as a treatment option, we realize the least medicine is the best medicine. As one patient said once: "I use less and less medicine each year." She has learned respect for the power of the homeopathic remedy as well as for the ability of the defense mechanism to cope without medicine. 

Eucalypsus to the Rescue!

With all that being said, sometimes for a flu that's lasting too long or is really handicapping you can use some natural health products. One of them is Eucalyptus. Look at the leaves on the picture below. I remember my father had these leaves in his office (he's the founder of the Alternative Medicine College of Canada).

Eucalyptus is renowned for its expectorant, antitussive and anti-infectious properties. This plant will be able to act against ENT infections, sore throats and diabetes. Eucalyptus infusions are therefore ideal in winter.
  • expectorant (1,8-cineole, α-pinene)
  • mucolytic (1,8-cineole, α-pinene)

  • antiseptic (1,8-cineole, α-pinene)
  • cough suppressant (1,8-cineole, tannins)
  • anti-inflammatory (1.8 cineole, flavonoids)
  • hypoglycemic
​Not recommended in cases of gastrointestinal inflammation, bile ducts, kidneys or serious liver problems.
Not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Infusion. Infuse 2 g to 3 g of dried leaves in 150 ml of boiling water for 10 minutes. Drink two cups a day.

PS. I can confirm now that I'm breathing fine 24/7, it just happens that at the beginning of winter I react with a blocked nose. Could be worse!

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