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Fertility/Pregnancy Program

A woman's natural state is to be fertile.

Unfortunately, in certain cases, Hashem blocks the way. Homeopathy has been proven effective to help with fertility issues and is extremely safe to use during pregnancy. 
This program is therefore geared towards:
- women who had multiple miscarriages and would like to have a full-term pregnancy this time;
- women who have issues while being pregnant and would like a treatment according to their nature. 
- women who would like to improve their health and that of their foetus to a maximum degree. 

Pregnancy is a great time to use homeopathy for the mother who'll have all her main health issues addressed and for the baby who will be born stronger and healthier. Free of any side-effects. 
Birth and post-birth are also addressed in this program. Exceptionally, the follow-ups for this program are over 12 months, compared to the 6-months of the other programs. 

๐Ÿ’œIn order to see if you qualify for this program, please send us the Contact form at y0556706407 @ You'll need to fill out a questionnaire and pay the analysis fee (198 ). 
๐Ÿ’œUpon admission, a meeting will be scheduled, in general of a duration of 2h, to find a personalized remedy. The Treatment Plan will be sent in the following weeks (about 10 pages with illustrations) as well as directions on how to proceed with the remedy
๐Ÿ’œEach following months for the next 12 months will require some feedback from the person requiring care in order to assess the progress. Includes Free Acute Care.  Remedies are not included however, the person requiring care needs to order independently or we can make ready-to-use remedy bottles upon request (with delivery also). 

For the price details visit our page about Terms and Conditions

Other programs from Yael Meir Homeopathy include:
Homeopathic Detox Program (for Vaccines, Birth Control meds and others)


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