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Taking Your Own Child's Case

Questions to Find Your Child's Remedy

Questions Relating to the Emotional

 Part of homeopathy is the intuitive process: a parent imagining how his child feels can help choose the right remedy more quickly. 

Some questions to ask while you're imagining your child:

- Describe what is happening in his/her body

- How does this affect him/her?

- How does it feel like?

- What comes to mind when she feels it, what does this remind you of ?

- Describe the feeling (heavy, light, pain, tense, etc.) more, what does (tense) mean?

- Do you have a gesture to describe it?

- What is the opposite of that feeling?

- What makes your child happiest? How does happy feel like in the body? What does this remind you of?

- What is most stressful? What does it feel like in the body? Is there pain? What does it feel like? What happens next?

- Imagine the child moving: how does it look or feel while moving? What does it remind you of?

- Imagine the child under social stress - how does it feel under stress out in the world/playground/work?

- Imagine you're the child. Feel what he/she feels. Now imagine walking into nature. What shows up, what do you see?

- Imagine looking into your child's eyes. What is she/he communicating to you through the eyes?

Your child may have dozens of symptoms but imagining them at their best and worst can be an important first step in finding the right remedy. 

When trying to decide what to treat, we want to understand what is most limiting to the child in the moment.  Many parents for example feel that vaccines were the cause of a child's limitations and want to immediately start by detoxing vaccines, but in the moment the most problematic issue may be sharp, debilitating stomach pains and we should instead give a remedy for alleviating that state. 

Questions Related to the Physical

Checklist a few times, the process will become almost second nature.

Before attempting to prescribe for a physical complaint, use all your senses and observe:

- Color of skin: Is it pale, red, or circumscribed red?

- Color of lips: are they red or pale, dry or cracked?

- Color of tongue: is it red-tipped, red-streaked, white, or swollen? Is it dry or wet?

- Expression: is it anxious, frightened, stupefied, confused? Do the eyelids droop?

- Position and movement: is the patient quiet and still, lethargic or restless?

- Mood: is the patient irritable, nervous, angry, sad or withdrawn?

- State of mind: is the patient irrational or delirious?

- Skin: is it dry, moist, clammy, hot, cool or cold, sensitive to touch?

- Pulse: is it rapid, slow, weak or pounding?

- How does the patient respond to touche: does it hurt or comfort him?

- Voice: is it weak, hoarse, deep or husky?

- Breathing: is it grasping, rapid, difficult, wheezing, or irregular?

- Speech: is it incoherent, rushed, slow, or does the patient refuse to answer?

- Where does it hurt? Determine the precise location of the pain. Ask the patient to point to painful spot with the finger. 

- At what time does the patient feel worse? Morning, noon, afternoon, evening or night? Before or after midnight?

- What kind of pain is the patient experiencing? Is it aching, boring, bruised, burning or bursting, cramping, cutting, or dull? Is the pain like a nail being driven in, or is it pressing or stitching?

- What are the patient's physical wants? Does he crave fresh air? Does he ask for cold or hot drinks? Does he like cold applications or warm ones? Does he feel better in general from hot or cold?

- How does he smell? Sick, sour, musty or offensive?

Homeopathy empowers you to be your own doctor for you and your family. You don't need to run to the nearby clinic for every little ailment, it's too much time and too much money! Have the basic remedies at home and match your child symptoms with the right remedy!


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