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True Stories: How Homeopathy Helps

Miracles are almost common in homeopathy practice (I've seen a few of my own, mentioned in part in my Testimonials page) but it never hurts to hear beautiful stories again and again. Here are some taken from the book Impossible Cure from Amy Lansky M.D. She herself saw a miracle with homeopathy on her autistic son and became a homeopath. But that's another story in and of itself.

1) Sweating Arsenic 

 In 1932, it was my privilege to study under Sir John Weir of London, England... the Royal Physician and one of the leading homeopaths of that time. During one of his lectures, he told us that a single dose of 1M to 10M of the specific substance that was causing the symptoms would allow the body to expel the offending material quickly and easily. 

My first experience with this principle was in 1936, when an orchardist staggered into my office and collapsed on the couch in the waiting room. He was cyanotic; he was perspiring profusely; and his pulse was too rapid to count. "Doc" he said, "I'm dying". I was inclined to agree with him! As an apple grower, he has many small exposures to arsenic over the past 20 years. While working inside a spray tank, he finally received sufficient additional exposure to throw him into an acute toxic condition. Knowing he would never live long enough to make it to the hospital, I stood next to him feeling quite helpless. Suddenly I recalled the lessons of Sir John Weir. From some remedies brought back from London, I found a 10M potency of Arsenic (arsenic trioxide diluted to the degree of 10010 000 ), and poured a half a teaspoon of these granules on his tongue. 
Within an hour, his pulse began to slow down but he still perspired freely. An hour later, I was startled to hear him call me. Arriving quickly at his side, he pointed to a white powder that was appearing where the perspiration was drying on the folds of his blue shirt. As he brushed it off, he smelled it and then tasted it. "this is white arsenic, Doc" he said. "There is enough here to kill three men!"
It seems the one dose of homeopathic arsenic changed the body's polarity enough so that the toxic arsenic which had been attracted to the cells was now being expelled. Within three hours the patient was able to drive home and was soon completely recovered. He lived the next 41 years of his life free of any further episodes of arsenic toxicity. 
I recall this experience to illustrate a simple and practical law of healing. If you know what poison or toxic substance is causing the illness and give a high potency preparation of that substance, you will enable the body to cure itself. This appli
es to lead, copper, mercury, aluminium, poison ivy, ragweed, and many other substances to which the human body may react in a toxic manner. Source: Harold Wilson. 

2) Arnica and Opium Lift Coma

A few years ago, a relative of one of my teachers was in a coma and close to death in a British hospital. The doctors prohibited homeopathic treatment, but family members managed to rub a bit of Opium (potentized opium) diluted in water, on his hand. Within minutes he awoke from his coma, spoke to his family congregated around him for about an hour, said his good-byes and then expired peacefully. 

Here's another coma story from Gopal Panley:
Thirty minutes after the application of liquid Arnica 30c, the 80+ year-old patient sat up and was ready to go home. He had been knocked off a stationary motor scooter while waiting for a red light... He had been in coma for two days.

3) Pyrogen Cured Paralysis

From Dr. Mary Tyler

"I was called to see a colored girl about twelve years old, who seemed to be partially paralysed. She could not sit up or stand, nor walk a step without help. She was very restless and kept rocking back and forth while sitting on the edge of the bed. She said that this rocking motion relieved her and so she kept it up. I gave her a dose of Pyrogen and she was all right in a day or two."

4) Emergency Hemorrhage

Dr. David Little was once called in Nepal where he worked to treat a hemorrhage during an emergency. Now in this case, he did not know the cause of the problem but feared the worse scenario. 

The flow was profuse red and her limbs were cold and her face was pale. The patient seemed emotionally upset by talking. 
Dr. Little was preparing to take her to the hospital when he gave her one teaspoon dose of Cinnamonium 200c in medicinal solution. The effect was immediate and dramatic. The woman felt much better and calmed right down and started talking normally. The Dr. wanted to know the cause of the hemorrhage so he suggested that the individual get a complete medical checkup at a hospital. He said he doesn't like to function in the dark. 
On going for a checkup it was found that she had an ectopic pregnancy in which the tube had burst! The ruptured tube and the surrounding area were all healing nicely so they just left things alone. 

They said they had never seen anything like it before... 

They wondered how she survived such an incident without surgical intervention and had healed so dramatically instead... 

She mentioned the homeopathy (but they acted as if they did not hear her. They would rather consider it a freak of nature than a  cure.)

This story is not a green light to stay away from hospital!! In a life-or-death situation one has to go to the hospital - but even in these emergencies, homeopathy has room to help as well :):)

5) Heart Attack

From New Zealand homeopath John Summerville

"Years ago my brother-in-law turned up on my doorstep at about 10:30PM, walking bent forward, his face ashen and nose quite blue
He was very anxious and complained of not being able to breathe and that he had a massive pain in his back and that it must be out. I also remember a lot of burping.
I could tell immediately that it wasn't a sore back so gave him Cactus 200c and called an ambulance and doctor. By the time the ambulance arrived about another five minutes later, he was almost his jockey self. The doc arrived about another five minutes later. My brother-in-law was very nearly back to normal. Doc did his thing and was very doubtful that anything was amiss (he didn't like homeopaths), but reluctantly conceded that perhaps he should go to the hospital just to be on the safe side. Test results a couple of days later showed evidence of a serious heart attack."

6) Anxiety Disorder

This case is from homeopath Mary Marlowe about the beautiful recovery of a woman from anxiety disorder. 

"I had a case about  a woman, aged 38, with fear in crowds. She had trouble especially at large outdoor gatherings and at the indoor shopping mall, but really any place where there were a lot of people. She could think of no reason for it, and had managed to avoid these situations until she started a family... Her main problem was a feeling of being pushed into other people, because of the crowding and she found that very disturbing. She would experience panic and would want to leave. If she could not, she felt frantic. She would feel the need to sit down and longed for fresh, cold air. Twice she had fainted in such circumstances. 

Her sense of smell was quite acute - she could not stand perfumes or fragrances. She told of smelling natural gas (the marker scent), when no one else could. She followed the smell, and found a neighbor several houses over who had replaced his gas hot water heater the day before...
I gave Aconite 30c, to be used the next time she felt panic on going out. She reported six weeks later that she had used it at her husband company picnic, with immediate relief
Nightmares less frequent, no longer afraid in the dark.

 Able to go to the mall with the family even if it's more crowded than usual, without any panic. 

Still sensitive to smells but not bothered by them. 

At the four-month follow-up, all symptoms were much better. She remembered that she was involved in an accident when she was 18-months old - she was run over by an automobile in a parking garage after a shopping trip with her mother and grandparents. She was not seriously hurt, but was taken to the hospital. The car ran over her right hand and are, and there were also tire tracks on the legs of her over-alls...
At one year after treatment, all symptoms were still better. She gets out frequently now, and tells about a street festival she attended with her children... She reports that her allergy symptoms are gone, along with the night sweats and getting up to urinate. No panic attacks, even in crowds. Also, she's less sensitive to sounds and smells."


To read a real case of ours concerning anxiety issues in a 3-year old little girl, read the Busy Bee post. 

7) Another Arnica Story

From a student attending a course on homeopathy (not from us):

"One of the main things that I took home with me the first day of the class is to minimize the use of drugs that suppress the body's own healing process. That evening, I strained my knee. I'd had off-and-on knee pain for a year. It really hurt and scared me. Instead of heading for the anti-inflammatory medicine, I used Arnica Montana... 

During the second day, Dr. Shevin was talking about his own case of poison ivy. During his explanation he demonstrated his computer program's search capabilities. The search yielded the remedy Arnica (his main sensation was soreness). As he was describing this, I thought about how I itched this morning from the rash on my neck that the dermatologist had diagnosed as eczema the day before class started. I reached up to feel for it. It was gone! 

My mouth dropped open in amazement. 

Since the class, my knee has stayed painless and the rash has not returned. What could be better than that? Homeopathy works!"

8) Kidney Failure

Case example from Ton Jansen, homeopath from the Netherlands
78 year old woman with kidney failure. Sedation was started and the family agreed to stop her medication. She was on nine different allopathic medications daily. After a day there was no change. Her daughter asked me if I could do anything. I gave her Camphora 10MK due to the overload of medications. 
Immediately after intake of this remedy her kidneys began to function again. Half an hour later the micturition (formation of urine) started and 14 days later she was back on her bike. After this she had nine good years and eventually died in her sleep at the age of 87. The last nine years of her life, she used no further allopathic medication. 

9) Autism Success Story with Homeopathy

I'd like to share with you the recommandation of a parent of an autistic child who's been treated with homeopathy (not from me, from Fran Sheffield):
“Thank you for giving me my son back. I don’t know how to thank you enough. It has been sad watching my beautiful boy, from being perfectly normal and chatty, turn into a child with speech and behaviour problems, a “child with autism”. Now after only a few months with homÅ“opathy, he is just a normal five-year-old who doesn’t walk in circles any more, does make perfect eye contact, even corrects me when I’m too busy to stop and look into his eyes.

From a child who was just sitting in a corner, now he has friends who don’t want to leave him alone, and he is quite a popular child in kinder. From a child who wouldn’t even look at me or his sister or dad, now he is saying “Mum I love you” and to his sister “You are amazing” and for Dad now he is looking forward to him coming home after work. His speech is still not 100%, we have a problem with just a few sounds like “f” and “r”, which is quite common. Well, I can go on and on with what he can do now!
THANK YOU, for everything. We will definitely keep up the homÅ“opathy.”

10) How Homeopathy Can Help With Depression

Here's a true story about how homeopath help in a case of depression by fellow homeopath Eileen Scullion:

Olivia*, aged 24, came to see me because she had been going through a period of severe depression with extremely low moods and suicidal thoughts and she was tired of feeling this way.

She had suffered from bouts of depression since she was 16 years old and they would generally last for three weeks and return every three to four months. This particular episode was now into its seventh month and she did not feel that antidepressants were helping her.

She had been given a second prescription but after particularly bad side effects she chose not to continue with them, under her doctors guidance. She had constant low moods, no motivation, extreme exhaustion, problems sleeping and she had to fight intrusive thoughts all the time.

She had a great support network around her with which she felt comfortable and confident and which had helped her manage. Her GP, psychiatrist, friends and a counsellor she was seeing weekly gave her great support.

She wanted to try something that would help her get to the root of the problem rather than just provide temporary relief.

She began by saying she felt empty and no longer felt like her true self anymore. She felt everything was pointless, she was tired and exhausted all the time and felt indifferent to so much in her life.

“I feel like a shell of myself. I’m hollow on the inside but to the world, I appear outwardly fine. It’s as if I’m present but I feel vacant inside. It’s like I’m a robot. I do all the actions but there is no feeling or emotion.”

She feared being alone as she felt unsafe, so she liked to surround herself with friends. She found it difficult to study and was leaving her work to the last minute, which further compounded her stress. She no longer felt excited about things she once loved, such as travelling, and she would get anxious and panicky, with her chest getting tight and her legs shaking.

At times she would feel hopeless and alone and she needed to be reassured frequently, as this helped.

She described herself as kind, caring towards her friends and family, hating conflict and full of self-doubt. She liked being with her friends and always felt better in company. When I first met Olivia, I was struck by her gentle, sensitive nature and her openness and honesty.

Relief in just 2 weeks with homeopathy
What happened within the first two weeks of homeopathic treatment was remarkable, as Olivia explained.

“I feel positive. I don’t have that intense depressive feeling and I have had no suicidal thoughts for the first time ever. It’s not normal for me to get a window of no such thoughts like this.

I am enjoying studying now, rather than seeing it as a distraction from my thoughts. I’m going back to my old self. 

My friends have noticed a difference: when I laugh, they can tell I am really laughing. For the last seven months, it has been forced but I am going back to the old jokey person I once was. When I laugh, I feel happy. I am beginning to see life is good. I was existing, now there are so many possibilities. I can feel things now. I don’t think things are pointless. It’s amazing.

It’s so good to see that little glow of light again. I definitely feel much better.  

I don’t feel like an empty shell anymore, I feel like me again. It’s so nice to feel like me again.”

Staring down depression – 9 weeks on
We next met nine weeks later and were both delighted to see that the positive changes were continuing to happen. In Olivia’s words:

“I feel so much better than I was before. I get moments of feeling down but they are less frequent now. The difference is I can pick myself up and tell myself to snap out of it and it works. I feel steadier and my emotions have been stable. My sleep has been really good and my friends and family have said that I seem much more positive. I still fear I’ll fall back into it but I’ve noticed the repetitive song that plays in my head when I am low has also substantially reduced.”

After a further five weeks, Olivia reported that even other people were recognizing her transformation.

“Things are mostly good. I use to feel depressed every day but it’s not that frequent now.

I feel I am going back to my old self and that is what I wanted to achieve. My friends are now saying I am one of the most sociable people they know, which is lovely to hear.”

Olivia is now travelling for nine months and the last we heard from her she was still doing great.


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