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Precious Arnica

 Arnica: The School of Hard Knocks

From the spirit of homeopathic remedies

Arnica is the principal homeopathic remedy for hematomas and bruises, for blows to the body or to the soul. When a bruise

or bump appears, three globules of Arnica 7CH will make the bump begin to shrink quickly. In cases of shock, higher potencies must be given: 15CH and above for head injury, for example. We can also give this remedy to athletes and sports enthusiasts before a major sporting event or effort. It is also useful the day before surgery or major dental work, to limit hemorrhaging (one dose of 15CH).

Also, we can use Arnica in cases of flu when the fever is high, the whole body feels bruised, the head is hot and red while the rest of the body  is cold, and, in spite of these symptoms, the sick person insists she is well and does not need to see a doctor. 

Arnica corresponds to people who push themselves too hard and work themselves to death. They want to  be indispensable and they throw themselves into great, heroic activity, where they are certain to receive the maximum number of blows, the greatest amount of distress. If the first marathoner had taken Arnica, perhaps he would not have died at the end of his run. Why did he want to run so fast without stopping? Why did he not pass the baton to another? Arnica must learn that no one is alone on this earth, that we must delegate to others, not sustain them by our effort alone.

Example of a REAL Arnica CASE (from the practice of Dr. Grandgeorge)

A 50-year-old woman, falls victim to an accident in England, where she is accompanying a group of students. A complicated fracture of the femur (the thighbone) requires a number of operations and forces her to stop working for a prolonged period. This brings on a depression. Here is an active, hard working woman, always dependable, suddenly reduced to inactivity and dependent on others. The depression disappears within a few weeks after taking Arnica in doses of 15, 18, 24 and 30 CH. 

Mr. Tough Guy 

My Way or the highway

Here’s another remedy profile based on my own observations and of course the Materia Medica - our Shulchan Aruch for homeopaths. Mr. Tough Guy was born this way: the umbilical cord was around his neck making delivery difficult. But that was only a taste of what was to come: really bossy, never really happy (not a smiling baby), it was his way or the highway. Restlessness, aggressive, needy. Until he got his remedy: Arnica. It’s usually an acute remedy, meaning you hurt yourself, you take Arnica. Had the mother known better at the time, she would have taken Arnica before and after the birth but with homeopathy second chances are common place. 

Not every bossy child will need Arnica. The ultimate workaholic, Nux Vomica can be differentiated by the following: how they feel in certain situations. Arnica feels his pain as if he received metal objects thrown at him, including a bus (!). No doctor from the Old School will ever ask you about this but how the patient perceives the pain is as important as the pain itself. Or when someone comes his way, he’s afraid he will be hurt - this is a piece of information we had to get from him, he didn’t volunteer it. It’s a kind of child you’ll see doing the craziest stunts at the gina, not afraid of anything! Bottom line, with Arnica, this agitated and bossy boy became much more calm and friendly - a nes! Even the rebbe from the afternoon class is impressed by his progress - and boy do they need patience with the children at this time of day! He still climbs and rocks the boat from time to time, but nothing too handicapping for himself or his family… and that’s what homeopathy is all about: simply polishing the diamond inside! 

Homeo Home Pharmacy

Every home pharmacy (especially when children are around) should have Arnica, both in cream form and in pellets. It’s usually one of the first remedies to be considered in cases of trauma or shock. If your child has just tumbled out of a tree, or you’ve just bumped your head and feel bruised and disoriented, consider Arnica. Allopathic surgeons have also been known to use Arnica: a famous American plastic surgeon uses it regularly for his patient after an operation. Nearly anyone who uses homeopathy has their own amazing Arnica stories to tell. And you?

Arnica in latin means Mountain Daisy, and indeed this yellow plant can be found in mountains: but not on

top of the mountain, rather where it is of most use on the long slopes of the mountain valleys and meadows.
Rhododendron or Siberian Rose

As homeopath Dr. Dorothy Sheperd explains:

"A kind providence so frequently arranges that the means of cure is near at hand where most wanted."

Terrible accidents occur when climbing the mountains... and Arnica is growing near, so as to show us to what use it can be put and ought to be put, to relieve the suffering after falls. Isn't it often so, if we could only see it in our blindness? We despise the humble herbs in our fields and meadows, and yet Gd for centuries has made them grow and blessed them for our use.

Another example: common nettle - URTICA - stings  and burns when we inadvertently touch it lightly  and there is an antidote growing near by, cheek by almost, the common dock (RUMEX), we pass it by and ignore it, but yet, apply a cool dock leaf to the burn of a nettle and the weal which a nettle produces disappears at once. Both the stinging nettle and the dock have been proved homoeopathically on healthy individuals and have proved to be valuable remedies in various diseases.

And yet another example of Gd's goodness:

Rhododendron, a plant native to the mountainous regions of northern Asia, contains a toxin which, in high doses, causes hypotension, slow heart rate and respiratory depression.

Cossacks and Mongols used rhododendron from time immemorial for rheumatism. Hunters and accustomed to running the mountains, they made infusions of it which allowed them to fight against fatigue. We see again that Hashem has placed, next to the diseases of a region of the world, the remedies that correspond to them. Here a plant to fight against mountain fatigue grows in a mountainous region.

Homeopaths, thanks to experimentation on healthy people, are able to specify that rhododendron is active on rheumatism aggravated by electric atmosphere or stormy weather.

*** In homeopathy the remedy works on the nervous system and the nerves carry the sensation of the remedy through the veins, correcting the physical body.***


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