The Case of the "Bee" Who Didn't Want to Speak
I don't think she'll be three-years old forever, but that's her age as this article is being written and that's how old she was when I discovered her remedy. Thanks to the book Healing Complex Children with Homeopathy from Angelica Lemke, I found out that some "small remedies" meaning used for something very specific like hives, can solve a more general case. Let me explain. In the case of my daughter, I had to find a remedy for anxiety - Selective Mutism to be more specific - from which she suffered for a few months. Her ganenet, after about 6 months! mentioned that she didn't know the sound of her voice. Meaning my girl wouldn't speak up even if she needed anything. Snob? Not sure. I looked it up and it's an actually anxiety disorder called Selective Mutism where the child chooses when she'll be mute and suddenly un-mute at home where she feels more secure.
I tried Phosphorus at first and low and behold! she started saying one word the following day in gan! The ganenet said it was a miracle, but I'm used to it with homeopathy, which is actually based on sound scientific principles. The day after she said two words and after a while she started to plateau. So I was looking for a different remedy which would bring her to higher levels of comfort. Obviously, she didn't yet feel comfortable enough outside the home to express herself to the full extent of her (amazing) abilities.
Using Angelica's book on Children's remedies and Sankaran's methods to find the deep core issue, I was able to focus on the Bee Remedy: Apis, which is usually for rosy rashes or insect stings. In her case, it fit perfectly on the mental levels as well: she's always busy with something, very color/pattern oriented (like the bee who needs to recognize the flowers), she has a huge tendency towards jealousy (think of the bee hive) etc. etc. With Apis, we reached an amazing level of cure where she was completely herself to the point where the ganenet was able to rest her case. She was so impressed by the change that she used YM Homeopathy for her own son.
Here's Angelica Lemke's description of Apis:
People who need it are busy, restless, and almost. "buzzing" around; they like organization, and to do a job well. They may also be competitive, easily reactive and quick to anger with knee-jerk reactions.
I realized that at home she was much calmer (much less tantrums) and whenever I see a relapse in her behavior I just give her a dose of her remedy. It's her remedy meaning it won't work with anybody else in the family and she consistantly feels better after taking it. Now I rarely give it to her again, maybe a few times per month and I know I will need to give her less and less, as the body learns to take over.Now let me mentioned as an aside, of course Hashem is the One who Helps, but He sends messengers to do the "dirty job" and Apis is one of them. When patients tell me "I'm not sure if it was the remedy or something else but I feel much better" well, let me tell you: IT WAS THE REMEDY. That's why it's called a remedy... and the tantrum I had this morning would NOT have stopped until much later (if at all) if she didn't take her homeopathically chosen Apis remedy. That's a fact.
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