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Think Twice About Taking the Pill

Why women go on the pill

One of the reasons women initially are put on the pill is to “regulate” periods, whether they be irregular, heavy or painful. Others have been prescribed the pill to treat symptoms of PMS, acne, headaches, mood swings or other hormonal issues.  The pill has become a catch-all solution for all things hormonal.

On the surface, the pill seems to “help” these symptoms as the problems are now “managed”. But it does not get to the root of the imbalance or offer a true resolution. It’s like a band-aid effect.

What happens for many women when they stop taking the pill, is that the symptoms they experienced prior to going on it, now return, and sometimes worse than before.

Problems that arise with the pill include:

These types of health issues can develop after birth control use and can be corrected with a homeopathic

rebalancing program for birth control:

Yael Meir Homeopathy Has a Detox Program which addresses all these issues caused by any Birth Control meds. 
  • Acne
  • Anxiety
  • Copper toxicity
  • Breast or uterine cysts
  • Cystitis - chronic
  • Depression
  • Emotional issues
  • Endometriosis
  • Estrogen dominance
  • Fibroids
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Immune system functions
  • Infertility
  • Irregular menses
  • Migraines related to hormones
  • Mood swings at menses
  • Neurological dysfunctions
  • PMS - Premenstrual Syndrome
  • Tumors of the uterus or breasts
The British Medical Journey (2021) recently stated that women with a history of taking the contraceptive pill for more than 10 years have greater odds of developing hypothyroidism. According to the National Institute for Health (NIH), common hypothyroid symptoms include: constipation, weight gain, fatigue, lethargy, cold intolerance, change in voice, and dry skin. Other symptoms may include depression, anterior neck pain, dizziness, wheezing, hair loss, difficulty swallowing, restlessness, palpitations, shortness of breath, and mood lability.


Case : Depression 

from Ton Jansen, homeopath in the Netherlands

A woman with depression came for treatment. She was so depressed she had to bring a friend along for moral support. She had taken the contraceptive pills for 15 years solidly, after which a Mirena Coil was placed for five years. Recently a new Mirena Coil has been inserted. Since the new Minera Coil, the woman became deeply depressed and even suicidal. She did not want to leave the house anymore and was afraid of the outside world. She was afraid she might take her own life, can no longer drive a car and has become very unsure of herself. She cries a great deal. 
During the consultation, I give her Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum 10M after which she became much calmer. Additionally I prescribed a Poly Contraceptive course, Sepia 12K in a dilution (daily 3 drops) and Lithium Phosphoricum 200K every week. I asked her to call me the next day. 
When she called me the next morning she was back to square one; the depression had returned in full force. I recommend that she start with the remedies she had been given and asked her to call me if there were problems. She was instructed to remove the Mirena Coil immediately. 
After four weeks she calls me to say she felt 70% better. She could leave the house and drive her car once again. Eight weeks after starting treatment she came back for a consultation, reporting that she's 100% better. 
Four weeks after the course, she became anxious and sad again. She received a second dose of Aurum10MK. Until this day, seven years later, she's doing well. 

How Birth Control Alters A Woman's Health

  • All Types of Female Cancers Have Higher Risk On The Birth Control Pill
    Birth control pills increase the risk of breast, ovarian and liver cancers.

  • Alters Gut Flora
    Birth control pills can change a woman's normal flora, allowing yeast and other pathogenic organisms to thrive.

  • Alters Mate Preferences 
    Women who take birth control pills have an altered preference to mates.

  • Causes Blood Clots and Strokes
    Birth control pills increase the risk of blood clots and strokes. The risk hugely increases after age 35 and for women who smoke.

  • Causes Depression
    Shifts in thyroid function on the birth control pill is responsible for depression.

  • Causes Heart Disease
    Shifts in thyroid function on the birth control pill is responsible for heart disease.

  • Causes Weight Gain
    Shifts in thyroid function on the birth control pill is responsible for weight gain,

  • Challenges Thyroid Function
    Selenium, zinc and tyrosine are necessary for proper thyroid function.

  • Contributes To Autoimmune Conditions
    Oral contraceptives stimulate and artificial pregnancy and therefore stimulate a shift from the Th1 to the Th2 Immune Branch. This can produce an imbalance of the immune system perpetuating autoimmune conditions.

  • Creates Estrogen Dominance
    Use of birth control pills leas to a hormonal imbalance such as estrogen dominance.

  • Depletes Essential Minerals
    Birth control pills deplete selenium, zinc and the amino acid tyrosine.

  • Depletes Vital Nutrients
    Birth control pills deplete a woman's body of folic acid, B12, and B6 vitamins. A deficiency in any of these may result in anemia, birth  defects, depression and other serious conditions.

  • Contains Lactose
    Most oral contraceptives contain lactose as an inactive filler. This could be an issue for those  with food intolerances including dairy and gluten intolerance issues.

  • Decreases DHEA Production
    Birth control pills lowers DHEA production. DHEA has been described as an anti-aging hormone. Many conditions, including autoimmune conditions, have been associated with low DHEA.

  • Decreases Testatorone Production
    Birth control pills suppress testosterone that women produce.

  • Impairs Muscle Development, Despite Exercise
    Birth control pills impairs a woman's ability to build muscle even when they exercise.

  • Increases the Risk of Infections
    Birth Control pills thing the uterine lining making a women more prone to bacterial and viral infections including and HPV.

  • Lowers Availability of T3 Free Thyroid by Increasing TBG
    High dose estrogen contained in birth control pills increases the activity of TBG (Thyroxine Binding Globulin). TGB binds thyroid hormone. More circulating TGB leads to lower levels of free thyroid (FT3) hormone available for use by the body.

  • Suppresses Natural Hormones
    The hormones in birth control pills suppress the body's natural production of estrogen and progesterone through a negative feedback loop mechanism. This prevents ovulation and thins the uterine lining.

  • Turns Off Natural Estrogen and Progesterone Production
    Birth control pills flood a woman's body with high doses of artificial estrogen and progesterone. This causes the production of natural hormones to turn off, preventing ovulation and thinning the uterine lining.

  • Weakens Bones and Causes Osteoporosis
    Birth control pills can thin a woman's bones leading to osteoporosis.


Is there an alternative to the Birth Control Pill or other Medicated Devices to avoid getting pregnant?

That's a great question. In a nutshell, the answer is:


Homeopathy cannot stop the body from getting pregnant. 
Homeopathy only works WITH the body, not against it.

It does help with "mental" issues related to pregnancy, like depression etc. 

It also help with more physical problems related to pregnancy and birth, such as nausea. Please check out out post on Homeopathy and Birth for more details. 

It basically helps your body and your mind deal better with an eventual pregnancy, and that's as good as it gets. 

Also, if you suffer from side-effects of the medical medicines related to your hormonal system, homeopathy can help detox and regulate your system. 

Be in touch with an homeopath and start getting better today!

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