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Contact Form

Contact Form For All Services For Israeli Residents ONLY Read About Fees For Programs and Services BEFORE Completing This Form Sending this form doesn't require payment. You will be sent the Questionnaire Analysis which you'll need to pay 150₪ in order to start the work. Payment can be done online .  REQUEST A CONSULTATION OR SERVICES First and Last Name: Phone number(s): When's the best time to reach you: Email (please double check): Name of Person for Care (also for Tefilla): ____ bat _____ Age of Person for Care: Address: CURRENT HEALTH ISSUE Select the program of your choice. Choose only one: Chronic Care program Complex Chronic Care (more than 2 health issues) Fertility/Pregnancy Program ADHD/ASD Program Homeopathic Detox Program Spiritual Homeopathy Program The Acute Care Program is addressed with a different questionnaire.  Read the Terms and Conditions for the pricing and other details.  What is the MAIN ISSUE or DIAGNOSIS that are you are seeking homeopathic ca...

Which Bach Flowers Against Fear?

 Which Bach Flowers Against Fear? There's a group of flowers that Dr. Bach discovered were very efficient "For Those Who Have Fears" Now their essence is available online or in stores, to be diluted in water and drank on a regular basis to benefit from them.  Aspen : Aspen can greatly benefit those unable to fall asleep due to their fears of letting go. Sleeping disorders and insomnia due to nightmares of an eerie, haunting kind.  Foreboding and anxious disquiet mind and body. In panic disorders, when no apparent reason can be given for the attacks. Anxiety attacks marked by the typical, vague fears with shaking and trembling. Anxiety about death. Mental and emotional withdrawal. Dejected or haunted in appearance.  MIND:  In the Alpen state, the mind is overly receptive and too easily impressed. Primordial fears and feelings of doom. Delusions, superstitions, omens, fateful encounters, prophesies and ghost stories.  Some people develop personal rituals to e...

Precious Arnica

  Arnica: The School of Hard Knocks From the spirit of homeopathic remedies Arnica is the principal homeopathic remedy for hematomas and bruises, for blows to the body or to the soul. When a bruise or bump appears, three globules of Arnica 7CH will make the bump begin to shrink quickly. In cases of shock, higher potencies must be given: 15CH and above for head injury, for example. We can also give this remedy to athletes and sports enthusiasts before a major sporting event or effort. It is also useful the day before surgery or major dental work, to limit hemorrhaging (one dose of 15CH). Also, we can use Arnica in cases of flu when the fever is high, the whole body feels bruised, the head is hot and red while the rest of the body   is cold, and, in spite of these symptoms, the sick person insists she is well and does not need to see a doctor .   Arnica corresponds to people who push themselves too hard and work themselves to death. They want to   be indispensable and...

Nutritional Supplements

In general less is more when in comes to supplements. We'll only recommend them when there's a clear reason for it. Sometimes the nutritional deficiencies we see in patients can be corrected by a proper diet and the right homeopathic remedy. Over time, things will start to balance out. 😌 In fact, too much vitamins and minerals are a common "side-effects" of the use of supplements. And as we know, too much of something is just as bad as too little . For instance, too much B6 in the blood can mean neuropathy and tremors. B12 injections can cause an accumulation of cobalt. Then again, a detox-course can help rebalance the system.  Some Useful Supplements to Consider: Vitamin C As part of the detox program, Vitamin C can play a vital role because it's such a powerful antioxidant. Let's try to find it in our food: - sauerkraut; - kiwi fruit; - bell peppers; - cranberries; - pomegranate; - broccoli. Broccoli is really the best vegetable out there because it's ...


 Melatonin can be given temporarily as a supplement to improve sleep along with a course of homeopathic melatonin (see below). It should never be used long-term however; it is a hormone and can have a disruptive effect in the wider endocrine system.  A better solution to sleep issues is to improve the melatonin metabolism by moderating the use of sugar/carbohydrates, sleeping in a dark room and by improving the day-night rhythm. Those who work night shifts should sleep in a very darkened room and use earplugs.  About Melatonin Melatonin is a hormone made by the pineal gland. Melatonin has been used as a treatment for a number of conditions, including jet-lag, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), depression and cancer.  When side-effects from melatonin do occur (which is common, even at doses that are significantly less than the recommended amount), they may include: - increase in blood pressure; - fatigue; - depression; - problems with fertility.  About Homeopathi...

Think Twice About Taking the Pill

Why women go on the pill One of the reasons women initially are put on the pill is to “regulate” periods, whether they be irregular, heavy or painful. Others have been prescribed the pill to treat symptoms of PMS, acne, headaches, mood swings or other hormonal issues.  The pill has become a catch-all solution for all things hormonal. On the surface, the pill seems to “help” these symptoms as the problems are now “managed”. But it does not get to the root of the imbalance or offer a true resolution. It’s like a band-aid effect. What happens for many women when they stop taking the pill, is that the symptoms they experienced prior to going on it, now return, and sometimes worse than before. Problems that arise with the pill include: These types of health issues can develop after birth control use and can be corrected with a homeopathic rebalancing program for birth control: Yael Meir Homeopathy Has a Detox Program which addresses all these issues caused by any Birth Control meds....

Remedy Picture for Mothers: SEPIA

 Sepia has been called the Washerwoman's Remedy, and not without cause. Let's reproduce here the description of this wife/mother with whom we can all feel a connection, as mothers of many children: (Source: British Homeopathic Society) Picture her - the sallow, tired mother of a big family, on "washing day".  She is perspiring profusely: pouring under the arms. She cannot be shut in because of the heat and the stuffness which make her feel faint - yet the cold wind that rushes in at the open door is almost unbearable.  Her back aches fearfully. She wants to press it - to support it. She feels she MUST sit down, or cross her leg, as her whole inside seems to be dragging down, and coming out of her. She simply must sit down to keep it in.  The worry of the children is more than she can bear. Her Chamomilla  baby wants to be picked up and carried, and wails and screams. The quarrels of the penultimate babies engaged in scratching out each other's eyes, are more tha...