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Testimonials for Yael Meir Homeopathy

About The Classes

"Thank you for all the interesting, fascinating, and inspiring classes. You have a special way of giving over the nuances and essence of each remedy so nicely. You've "whet my appetite" to learn more..."

D. F. Modiin Illit

About the Treatments

Dear Yael,
I am not sure that I could give you any feedback about how to improve your service. I felt that you listened extremely well, you did research to determine exactly what would work best for me, you were available for questions and came back to answer them if you didn't have the answer immediately available. You provided the remedies that I needed. And went out of your way to get them to me. 

I believe your treatments made a difference for my family and I appreciate them greatly.

I think you are doing a great job, and Hashem will bless you with great Hatzlacha in your very needed service to the Jewish community.

Chanalea Lisza Jessel 

Ps. Feel free to post that on your website.


שלשום הבן שלי ,היקר, אמר לי בהתרגשות מאופקת- "אמא, אני רוצה לספר סוד! משהו שאף פעם לא קרא לי ...(:"

הוא התקרב אלי בעיניים נוצצות ולחש לי באוזן: "היום העתקתי את כל מה שהיה כתוב על הלוח"....
תודה רבה להשם ששלח לנו לשליחה נאמנה 
יעל מאיר היקרה- תודה!

Esther Nayburger, Modiin Illit

יעל מאיר, הינה מקצועית מאד ומדויקת בתורת ההומופאתיה. יש לה גישה מדהימה לילדים, במיוחד לאלו הסובלים מקשב וריכוז ובס"ד היא מחוללת נפלאות. כדאי לנסות!
ממליצה מאד!

Yael Meir, is very professional and precise in the theory of homeopathy. She has an amazing approach to children, especially to those who suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and ADHD and she creates wonders. You should try it!

- יפה מוישביץ

 “After spinal surgery which deteriorated I couldn't move or speak, I had to undergo further tests, surgeries and antibiotic treatment. While I was slowly recovering, my energy level was very low and I had an acute infection that came "out of nowhere". After meeting Yael Meir, her homeopathic remedy - just one dose - brought my pain level down from 10 to 2 and most importantly it felt like my head was above water. » Chana M. Zichron Yaakov

"I had pain for months, went to specialists, nothing worked, almost every morning I couldn't move. Baruch Hashem, Yael Meir's homeopathic remedy was nothing less than a miracle. No more pain. I give her my sincere blessings so she can help others.”

R. Meiselish, Jerusalem

"An excellent practitioner who works tirelessly to help her patience find the right cure for whatever they need and that we have really seen some very positive results from the treatment and also that it is hopefully a cure as opposed to a cover up” - R. Dunner, Kiriat Sefer

"I highly recommend Yael's professional diagnostic ability, and homeopathic remedies. The remedies restore balance emotionally and physically in a short period of time. I know personally of clients who have been treated very effectively." - Michal Kramer BA psych.

"I came to Yael not sure how she could help me.
Very depressed and chronic sinus infections. Yael would not give up on me. She treated me for the sinus infection within 2 hours. They were gone. The depression is gone too. Yael has a tremendous knowledge and is persistent to help you. It's totally worth it. Thank you Yael!" Rochel Kops

באתי אליך עם בעיה שביתי לא מסכימה לקחת רטלין ויש עליה תלונות ,
שהיא לא רגועה ,עצבנית מציקה לסביבה שלה.
ישבת איתי והקשבת לכל מה שיש לי לומר,
שאלת אותי שאלות מכוונות
ואפילו דברת עם ביתי הגדולה שתוכל לשפוך עוד אור על הילדה.
ובסוף רקחת לה תמהיל פלא שכבר אחרי יומיים שלושה חל שיפור בילדה,
מבחינת ההתנהגות והרגיעה-ממש פלא!
תודה רבה רבה!


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