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Different Body Parts, Different Stories

The amazing work Hashem made in the form of our bodies is the source of infinite reasons to be grateful every day. Every time I learn more about it (and in my profession, there's what to learn every day), I get a feeling of His great wisdom and unbelievable kindness. 
That being said, I'd like to share with you some tips and pieces of knowledge you could appreciate about different parts of our bodies:

- Skin
- Acne
- Face
- Teeth
- Fever
- Hemorrhoids
- Feet
- Heart
- Constipation and Diarrhea

Symbolism of the Skin

Our skin is our envelope, it is through it that we express many things in our lives; through it, we experience our affective relationship or cry out our need to be protected (allergies). In Chinese medicine, it is related to lung energy. Also, it comes from the same embryonic tissue as the brain and the nervous system. Like him, she captures and records data.
The skin will allow contact, but also protects against external aggressions.
She also reveals certain suffering (through scars), her experience through wrinkles, etc.

Skin Issues: Do's and Dont's

Local application in homeopathy is not allowed for treating skin ailments...

Most treatments for skin disorders suppress the real cause. They also aim at the surface, not in treating problems from deep within. Homeopathy, on the other hand, aims at the base; it treats the cause. It avoids suppression. It treats from ‘back to front.’

The effect of application is dramatic; but, do you know that you run the risk of exchanging your skin eruption with a serious, unrelated internal disorder? For example: asthma, migraine, tummy problems. Surprised? The fact is homeopathy has always highlighted the harmful effects of suppressed skin problems.

There is no treatment in allopathy for skin ailments.It is a suppressive form of treatment.


Everything that has been driven from the inside out, i.e. to the periphery of the organism, must therefore remain absolutely untouched because it is not the actual disease but only the body’s own measures to seek relief and offset an inner, deeper suffering. 

Here's a real example: The acne medication Accutane is known to have the potential side effect of suicidal depression. Homeopathic philosophy clearly explains why this is so: because the suppression of acne shifts the problem inward to a more serious emotional disease. 

Hering's Law

According to Hering's Laws, the disease heals and the symptoms appear:
- From above to below
- From the interior to the exterior
- In reverse order of their arrival.

The well-chosen remedy hastens the natural course of healing by driving the disease out of the body to the surface, where it may temporarily manifest as discharges or rashes and itching. The patient knows he's healing because he feels better at a deeper level than these surface symptoms. 

For example:

An asthma patient starts breathing better but his previous eczema, suppressed by cortisone creams, reappears. The disease went from an essential internal organ (the lungs) to a safer and more superficial part of the body - the skin (or the joints in certain cases). 
By this passage outside, through our skin, we become aware of what happened inside. Thus, the eruption (outward release) is a witness to the lysis of a conflict: release of toxins outside. We know that an asthma that heals often (especially as the child is old) goes through a phase of eczema, which must be tolerated and accompanied as naturally as possible, because it will disappear on its own after some time.

Other Skin Issues

Our skin diseases will show the flaws in an area left unprotected. The appearance of the skin tells us how we seek to defend ourselves against the outside:
  • In psoriasis we put on a breastplate so as not to suffer contact separations; we want to be touched and at the same time we create protection, so painfully has the lack been experienced.
  • In vitiligo, we are unprotected against the sun, and all its symbolism.
  • In eczema, there is impatience (it itches) to see a conflict resolved, a separation contact: ex loved. (loved in French in aima - ema)
  • With warts: avoid trying to suppress a wart locally by external medical or physical means. This suppression could lead to internal problems. In effect, warts are often located on acupuncture points, which they stimulate, thus participating in the regulation of the individual's internal energy. Suppressing a wart can be compared to snatching a crutch away from a person leaning on it for support. Not all warts require Thuya (Nitricum acidum or Causticum could be better indicated).
Note that any acute pathology is an explosion, a cry, which comes from within, whether it is a sudden release of toxin in favor of a treatment or suffering that has been contained for too long.

In shingles, there is a very itchy rash on a nerve tract, due to the chickenpox toxin with which the subject has come into contact for the second time in his life. Indeed, the subject must have been in childhood contact with the chickenpox virus for an adult, on the occasion of a second contact, and especially of a drop in immunity, to have shingles.
Decreased immunity means when we no longer know how to recognize the ego from the non-ego, when there is a loss of ego landmarks. This occurs in an extremely distressing way, because the eruption on the nerve path (as in shingles) is very important and very itchy. The skin in this case screams anger, a powerlessness to manage its identity space; and depending on the location of the shingles, we will have even more information. But here too the skin has remembered.

Homeopathy for Acne

What's Acne?

It is an inflammation of the sebaceous (oil) glands that are found just beneath the skin. At puberty, when glandular activity increases, the sebaceous glands enlarge and begin to secrete a greater amount of skin lubricant (sebum). Because the gland swells and the sebum can't be released, a pimple comes out. 

How Is Acne A Good Thing?

Yes, you read right, for a homeopath at least, acne is a good thing. Here's why: everything that comes out from the body (via the skin in this instance) is better than the other way around - you'd rather have acne or deficient lungs? It's like the cartoon said in the movie : "better out than in!" Should you want to repress it, it will disappear but only from view! And you don't want the "disease" to affect any internal organs, where the damage is deep and potentially irreparable. In some cases, when doctors tried to suppress the disease that reached a deeper level, it moved to the mental plane and the mental hospital was the next step! Who knows how far this can go! What we're trying to teach here is that Hashem, is His great mercy, created an escape route that's basically painless, for the "disease" to get out of the body. Now, I agree, it doesn't look good all the time, it's not pretty and can be a real social handicap in some cases. But think of the alternative! Thank Gd we also got in homeopathy a solution for acne, that will not suppress the disease but address the root cause, especially if you get your constitutional remedy. 

Some Homeopathic Acne Remedies

  • Kali bromatum: itchy acne, restless during sleep, unpleasant dreams. The acne is usually on the face, chest and shoulders. The person is better when occupied, mentally or physically. 
  • Sulphur: chronic acne, rough and hard skin that gets worse from washing. The person is often warm-blooded, perspires freely and suffers from constipation. What makes him or her better: lying on the right side and dry/warm weather. 
  • Antimonium tartaricum: much formation of pustules. The person desires company, is drowsy, irritable, sweaty and whining (not necessarily in that order). He or she is worse from the evening, the damp or cold weather, all sour foods, milk and warmth makes it worse. Sitting up makes the person feel better. 
  • Hepar sulphuris: painful boils that develop pus. The pain is of the prickly type. Hepar sul. helps localize infection, mainly when the person is chilly and sensitive to drafts. The case is worse before midnight, in the morning or with cold drinks (those are general indications, it's not obligatory). The person is person in damp weather, while wrapping her head up or with warmth. 

Some Commonsense Measures

1. Clean the face but not with a medicated soap. 

2. Eliminate chocolate, soda pop, salted nuts, and other oily foods. Avoid process foods, pre-made dinners, packaged snacks and all foods with chemical additives and preservatives. 

3. Take zinc gluconate 30 mg per day. 

Be Weary of Standard Treatments

In cases of severe acne, dermatologists recommend sometimes an oral contraceptive pill with estrogen (to limit the production of sebum). This of course plays with the hormonal balance of the person and can cause also the following side-effects (besides others): nausea, vomiting, weight gain, persistent headaches, depression, impaired liver function and blood clotting. The patient needs to decide if it's worth it. 

Oral antibiotics are also standard treatment - like tetracycline or clindamycin. The side-effects include stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea for the first drug and much more for the second. It can even stain the teeth of unborn children, to show you how deep the effect goes, and it's not a positive effect! Clindamycin has been proven clinically to cause ulcerative colitis, which includes bloody stools. Severe colitis can be fatal. Another antibiotic used against acne, Chloramphenicol, has produced depressed bone marrow in a significant number of cases. The white blood cells in the patient's body are not being produced like they should, leaving him or her much more vulnerable to infections!

Homeopathy, on the other hand, will alleviate the acne without endangering the patient's health. 

What's a Face?

A bit on the symbolism of the face, from Anick de Souzenelle:

The face is a relational tool: it is a more or less well accepted image of us that positions you in front of the other.
Pathologies or accidents that injure the face all have a profound psychological impact on the subject: mourning an image. Through the mourning of a certain image, the person will be able to connect to another knowledge of themselves.
The language of the eyes is of the order of the emotional, directly identifiable, decoded in a sure way by the person opposite. Even if the word does not go in the same direction, it is the language of the eyes that prevails. Also a place of expression of our experience, through our wrinkles and scars, the face reveals a bit of our history.
In Chinese medicine, hair is connected to the energy of the kidneys, place of ancestral energy, but also of fears and will. Suddenly losing your hair is a lightning attack on this energy: the person feels annihilated to their very foundations. Our hair is therefore a reflection of our vital energy (being connected to the kidneys) and as such, there are hair analysis techniques that provide very precise information on our mineral balances and our vitality. Let us not forget that the kidneys are the place of hydro-electric balance.

The Teeth

The teeth, which like each vertebra, or each zone of the iris, each zone of the ear or the foot, are in close and precise relation with our organs, see our emotions. There are dentists who have done this work of correspondence between each tooth and each organ, repeating once again that one can read from a part what is said as a whole.
But on a more general level, teeth tell us about our ability to bite... cavities represent situations where a grudge has developed, as if the fermentation of the spirit finds its echo in the microbial fermentation that gnaws away small little by little the dental layers and the layers of our spirit.
Linked to the energy of the kidneys, the teeth reflect our will, our ability to decide. To dream of losing a tooth often signifies that one has a decision to make; dreaming of losing all your teeth, would testify more to a feeling of helplessness in the face of a situation. To break a tooth, we are confronted with a situation stronger than us.
As for the gums, they connect this ability of our bone structure to bite: will it support our decisions? This is what is said at the level of our gums. Reaching this level is an echo of our fears about the results of the decisions to be made.

Homeopathy can help with curing some serious toothache. Here are some homeo clues:
  • - If the pain is better with hot water - Arsenicum Album
  • - Very violent pains: Chamomilla
  • - Pains that are worse talking: Chamomilla
  • - If the pain is better with cold water: Coffea Cruda
  • - When you rub your cheek the pain lessens: Mercurius Solubilis
  • - Should your toothache come when you have your periods: Staphysagria
One can apply locally on the gums, where the toothache is, some drops of Plantago TM. 

According to Rabbi Nachman (The Aleph-bet book) Toothaches are punishment for cruelty to living things. Toothaches hint that a person isn't smiling sufficiently. 
Toothaches hint to wickedness as it's written: "You have smashed the teeth of the wicked." and the epitome of wickedness is disagreeing with tzaddikim. 

Fever = Friend

 Fever is Hashem’s way to cure us. 

If you’ve been studying just a few minutes of alternative medicine you should know by now that fever is not a disease but the symptom of a disease: a useful indicator - invented by the Greatest Inventor- that the body is fighting a disease or infection. 

Here homeopathy parts again with conventional medicine. The ordinary doctor is trained to suppress fever with aspirin yet the homoeopath regards fever as an important part of the healing process. As. Dr. William Gutman writes:

“Fever is our strongest weapon in the fight of nature against all bacteria; through its influence all healing reactions are accelerated, the heart beats faster in order to carry the blood, containing all healing matters, quicker to all the organs, respiration is speeded up, thus increasing he intake of the all-important oxygen. 

For a real cure, it is necessary to treat with a similar remedy which does not paralyse nature’s functions but supports them.”

So when you develop a fever, we do not treat the fever. We aim to strengthen your body to give it all the help we can to repel the invader. We recommend common sense measures of course and choose a homeopathic remedy based on the total picture of all your symptoms. This remedy stimulates your body’s defense mechanism to deal with the harmful forces.


Hemorrhoids are anger related to the family that cannot be evacuated.
Polyps, diverticula in the colon are little knots of pain and sorrow that we haven't eliminated. They can, if the grief is important, go as far as cancer.

In serious pathologies of the colon, there is also often added the notion of dirty, of something ugly that has been experienced and that does not pass. The event has been digested, assimilated, but the emotional memory, and the feeling of dirt, in a context of sadness does not pass: it is colon cancer. There is no anger, in this case, not at all, but an immense sadness and an impossibility to let go of the emotion.

The pathologies of the colon and the lung are linked, especially at the emotional level: sadness, grief over something ugly that does not pass. You know the importance of irrigations of the colon which allow by cleaning this organ to regain physical health but also to release "strata" of emotions, stuck to the layers of matter. The symbolism of the lungs is existential angst, nostalgia for Paradise Lost: what did I come to do on this planet?
The element (yang) of the lung must then exhale, exonerate, eliminate a life experience, in order to be able to start again on another rhythm.

The Colon

The colon is the last part of the digestive tract and it is M-shaped, like memory or matter. The reabsorption of water speaks to us of emotions of assimilated experiences, of the ability to let go and to line up with lived experiences after having retained their essence.

Constipation problems show us this propensity to retain, to keep. Fear of missing out, material anxiety. But also, fear of losing something, holding back your emotions, at all costs. In other words: don't give up. One thus arrives at an auto-intoxication by one's own materials, by one's own experiences. There is no more circulation of life, of energy.


The experience assimilated in principle is here after all difficult to advance. Impossible to turn the page... Yet we must move forward without dwelling on what has been experienced! Inflammation in "itis" of colitis or ileitis, speaks of anger, as if the events had been digested by force, and were retained at the exit of the small intestine. The absoption was as obligatory, but one. can't get the memory or the essence out of it. We block. To draw the quintessence of what has been experienced and to move on, to let go: this is the function of the colon, on a psychological level.

In homeopathy, a great remedy for hemorrhoids is Aesculus, especially in the form of cream which one applies on the spot after it hurts. 

The Brain

With no connection to the previous paragraph, let's move on with the symbolism of the brain (source: Anick de Souzenelle)
The brain is the beginning. The skull that contains it is hard and flexible at the same time: hard as a bone of the skull, of course, but also flexible, because it is not completely welded: we have autonomous cranial breathing that osteopaths know well!

Seen from the front, the brain looks like a walnut with its two right and left hemispheres, joined by a bundle of fibers: the corpus callosum. And if there is physiologically a bridge between these two hemispheres, it is because we are called to make our two hemispheres work together! Complementarity of intuition and reasoning.
The brain is a receiving organ:
- from the outside it receives sensory stimuli;
- but also from the inside: ideas, emotions, other more subtle information.
Many cerebral pathologies are vascular accidents, ie due to an interference of the emotional life in the mental life (the arteries belong to the energy of the heart and the veins to the energy of the liver). Brain tissue is a tissue that renews itself very little. The irruption of emotional heat in this tissue results in hot lesions: these are cerebrovascular accidents (CVA). They reflect a conflict between emotion and reason, a loss of control.
The brain is a transmitter organ:
- during conscious activity, such as action, locomotion;
- but also during neurovegetative and biochemical activities: depending on the internal chemistry, relays are automatically activated for the functioning of our organism without the consciousness being involved;
- during phenomena of intuition and transport of information at a distance.

Indeed, nature teaches us that when a queen ant is geographically separated from its colony, the construction of the nest continues; however, if that ant is killed, all colony work stops...the queen "sends" building plans through the group consciousness, even from afar, as long as she is alive.

The cerebellum

The function of the cerebellum is to coordinate the posture, the balance and therefore the verticalization of man. It receives information from the inner ear in a double attitude of listening and balance. Listening and posture are therefore linked...
Behind the cerebellum is the epiphysis, a pineal gland whose functions are still poorly understood. It seems to be related to our inner world, to unexplored states of consciousness. The pituitary gland and the epiphysis are connected by a ventricle: cistern where cerebrospinal fluid circulates. According to tradition, it is in this inner emptiness that spiritual perception awakens when a link is established between the pituitary gland and the pineal gland.

The epiphysis is very rich in melatonin, like the back of the eye, it is at this level that all perceptions of light and certainly also olfactory perceptions are analyzed. The day/night rhythm is balanced at this level. The role of the epiphysis is not yet well understood but Annick de Souzenelle tells us that it is because of the current state of consciousness of humanity. It would be devoted to developing with the acquisition of other levels of consciousness, and its role would be that of the "Word and clairvoyance". In fact, the pituitary gland is the conductor of our outer life and the epiphysis, on the contrary more active in the dark, promotes, in addition to the quality of sleep, inner and more subtle perceptions.
When the connection between epiphysis and pituitary is established, it is believed that this is where spiritual perception is awakened.

Marrow and nerves

Part of the brain inside the spine, it transmits order to the brain and muscles.
The problems located at the level of the spinal cord express our difficulty in acting or reacting; as if the order coming from the brain had trouble getting through.
In myelitis, multiple sclerosis, there is damage to the nerves, as if the brain were choosing to block the command.
It has been noticed that multiple sclerosis flare-ups often happen when the subject feels stuck in his life, by fear and anger, which prevent him from acting. It turns this energy against itself, causing lysis of the motor nerves.
We find the same patterns with the sensory nerves: we "prohibit ourselves" in some way from feeling.

The Feet

An engineering miracle combining grace,  durability and sensitivity – it’s an apt description of the human foot.  Perhaps one of the most neglected parts of the body, generally hid­den  from sight, the importance of feet is only fully appreciated when  something goes wrong. Healthy feet, in good working order give us the  joy of movement. Pain­ful, unhealthy feet make us feel tired and  irritable and take the pleasure out of life.
The foot has two basic functions: to adapt to the surfaces on which  we walk or run and absorb the shock

of impact; to take the body weight  from above and move it forward. Consider the punishment the foot absorbs in a lifetime. As we move,  it goes through three forward motions; heel impact; a transitional  balance phase as the weight moves forward; the thrust of the toes as the  sequence is repeated on the opposite foot. Walking at a com­fortable  100 steps a minute pace, each heel strikes the pavement with the  equiv­alent of a 225lb jolt 50 times a minute. As we walk an average of  115,000 miles in a lifetime, that means tens of millions of jolts for  each foot. But the foot is built to withstand many kinds of stresses, so  long as the health of its complex struct­ures is maintained. The arch  of the foot counteracts much of the shock of pound­ing it gets with each  step.
So important are our feet to our well­being that they need and  deserve as much attention as we give to our face. Yet the reality is  that most of us tend to ignore their basic needs and generally treat  them with disrespect. Small wonder that countless people hide away their  feet because they are ashamed of them.

Daily foot exercises

On getting up stand on tiptoe five times.
Place a strong rubber band over the two big toes and gently pull toes apart ten times.

Other Tips for your Toes

Buy leather shoes. It adapts to the shape of the foot, absorbs  moisture and vaporises this into the air.

Rotate the shoes you wear. Never wear the same pair two days in a row. It takes 24 hours for your shoes to dry  out – and back into shape – after wearing. 

The Heart

According to Likutei Moharan, pain in the heart results from flattery or even from anguish.  The heart alludes to serving Hashem through prayer. The fact that the heart affect the entire body should remind us that our prayers can be powerful enough to bring abundance to the entire universe. We should also remember to pray not only for ourselves but for the entire Jewish nation as well. 
The heart is the source of all negative personality traits such as sadness, anger, envy and hatred. 

Constipation and Diarrhea

Diarrhea and constipation are punishments for lying (according to The Aleph-Bet book).  Constipation comes from a flaw of emunah in the Sages as it is written: "One who scorns the words of the Sages is judged with exertion of the flesh" - which is constipation. 

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