I'd like to share with you some children's homeopathic profiles. Children's remedies are often easier to spot because they are not so used to hiding their issues, they are more open about who they really are. Busy Bee: My Little Girl of Three I don't think she'll be three-years old forever, but that's her age now and that's how old she was when I discovered her remedy. Thanks to the book Healing Complex Children with Homeopathy (which I got for free in exchange of an article :), I found out that you can have a small remedy effective for more than just an acute. Let me explain. In the case of my daughter, I had to find a remedy for anxiety, see my post on Selective Mutism, from which she suffered for a few months, until I realized it was a problem. I tried Phosphorus and it helped a little, at least to get the case started. But I knew I needed something else, because she wasn't a Phosphorus deep down so-to-speak, meaning her constitutional remedy w...