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Nuts for Walnuts!

 Ever heard about this expression "brain food"? Omega 3 are supposed to help with brain function, and so do many natural products but today we'll focus on walnuts. 

It has been believed that walnuts actually increase one's intellect. Studies have proven that consumption of walnuts do help in promoting the brain function.

The Doctrine of Signatures stated that because the shape of the walnut resembled the brain, the nut would be beneficial for all ailments associated with the head and brain, including headaches. Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids which increase the activity of the brain. Omega-3 fatty acids, coupled with iodine and selenium, add to optimum functioning of the brain.

A lack of omega-3 fatty acids cause hyperactivity, irritability and tantrums. Supplementing children's diet with walnuts compensates the deficit in essential fatty acids and alleviates their mood. It is even applicable to adults who are battling depression and stress.


Eating walnuts as well as other foods high in omega-3 such as chia seeds and flaxseed can maintain and improve memory and overall cognitive function. Other benefits include:

Insomnia and Melatonin

Walnuts have a natural, bio-available source of melatonin in them, which means that if you have trouble sleeping, then walnuts may be the perfect food for your body. Adding a few walnuts into
your daily meal plan may help you rest better at night. Eat some walnuts soaked in water before sleeping or eat a salad or any other dish using walnut as a topping.


Because walnuts are rich in fiber, they are a great way to keep your digestive system healthy. Getting enough fiber on a daily basis is essential to keeping your bowels functioning correctly. You can get both the protein benefits and fiber benefits at the same time by eating walnuts.

How much do you need to replace your box of Omega 3? Walnuts provide 2.5 grams of Omega 3 in a single one-ounce serving, which is more than the amount required to fulfill your daily needs...


Juglans Regia is not a very common homeopathic remedy, in fact it would be considered a small remedy, to be used in certain specific cases. Here are some of the main symptoms that would call for this remedy:

- Styes

- Aphonia or great hoarseness

- Prominent skin eruption

There’s also mental indolence. The head feels as if it’s floating in the air. Disinclined to talk or argue. Inattention when reading and disinclination to work. Also exhaustion and disinclination for the usual business. Now you can see the association between walnut and the brain.

Walnut as A Bach Flower

  • Assists in adjustment to transition or change, such as puberty, menopause, divorce, new surroundings, etc.
  • This helps a person to go through changes, such as moving, change of a school or through a separation or divorce.
  • Walnut helps one go through transitions calmly.
  • It's a great protection against negative energy from other people. 

Recipe : Pesach Walnut Cake

Since we're on the subject, might as well add a recipe! You can find more yummy healthy recipes on my post Holistic Nutrition, because for a complete cure you need ideas of what to cook! Here's a Pesach-friendly recipe but it's so yummy you'll want to do it all year long!


1 cup of matza cake meal 
1 cup ground walnuts 
2 tbsp of Passover baking powder 
1 tbsp cinnamon 
5 eggs, separated (the first time I tried it I forgot about separating the eggs and it was fine :)
1 cup honey 
1 tsp vanilla extract 
2⁄3 cup vegetable oil 
1 cup sweet wine

Preheat the oven at 350F. Generously coat a Bundt pan with cooking spray.
In a medium bowl, mix cake meal, ground walnuts, baking powder and cinnamon. Set a side.

Beat egg whites on high speed until stiff peaks form.
In a large bowl, beat egg yolks, honey and vanilla at medium speed, until creamy pale yellow, 3-5 minutes.
Slowly pour oil. Beat for another minute until well incorporated.
Reduce speed and add wine. Beat until well combined.
Add flour mixture and beat at low speed for another minute.
Using a spatula, carefully fold egg whites into cake batter. Pour into prepared pan and bake at 350F for 45-50 minutes.

This is not a picture from my kitchen because both times we tried it, it was gone too fast to take a picture!

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