The rapidity of the effect of homeopathy is obvious to all who practice it; those who only talk about it call it “slow medicine”, which makes most of our patients laugh.
If we take the example of an incoagulable epistaxis as it happens 2 or 3 per week in the emergency room, we will see the blood turn dark as soon as the Phosphorus globule is placed on the tongue and the hemorrhage stops in minutes.
Similarly, in chronic diseases, the effects of taking are often seen within hours, at most within a week.
In the cases where the matching remedy has been found, the cure is usually so natural and graceful that it seems that the patient is just getting better by himself. Which is in fact what happened.
So really we should be expecting results within a few weeks MAX and in acute cases (recent) then no more than a few days are necessary to get results with the right remedy.
From Yael Meir Homeopathy...
I've had results of a years-old depression which improved 80% at least within a few days. And it stayed on the right track for months after, the patient only re-dosing when necessary. We're talking about a mother of many children who couldn't stand her life because she wasn't sure of who she was and what she wanted. The remedy ALUMINA made a difference in less than a few days. Homeopathy is the safer medicine, but also the fastest in many cases.
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