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Antidote and Plussing Your Remedy

How to :

a) Antidote a Substance

b) Plus your Remedy

a) Antidote a Substance

 Believe it or not, sometimes you need to antidote a remedy (in case of homeopathy) or a medicine (allopathy) or even something you ate that created an unhappy ending (like coke). So let's take Coca-Cola as an example. Let's say you drank some coke (which as everybody knows is a big no-no) and you had a bad reaction to it, now I'll show you, with Hashem's help, how to antidote that Coca-Cola. You follow me?

You put a bit of the Coca-Cola in a medium disposable cup of water, stand at the sink with the cold water on, dump out the cup, refill it with cold water, dump it out, refill, dump out, refill (no, the content doesn’t have to stay in the cup!), ….do this 10 times and take a sip of the 10th cup.

Same thing if you need to antidote a remedy that what not right for you or just too strong, except instead of a bit of Coca-Cola you drop 2-3 pellets in the cup, and continue as explained: dump out the cup in the sink (the pellets don't have to melt or stay in the cup), refill, dump it out, refill, etc. x10 and take a sip of the 10th cup. 

You'll be amazed at the result! Miracle? No, pure science... although really everything Hashem does is a miracle. Homeopathy works like that, and it's a serious rule of nature: whatever creates a health problem, taken in small diluted quantities can cure that same problem. 

Another Example

I had a case recently of a mother who painted her child's room only to find herself coughing and sick for days after. I made a remedy out of the paint and she was feeling already better after the first dose. What a substance cause - it can also cure (in diluted form). That's an iron-clad rule!

b) Plus your Remedy

In order for you to upgrade a remedy, you'll need to do the following:
You take your "original dilution", let's take for example Baryta Carb 30C, put 2 pellets in a bottle of water like the one on the picture above, you empty 90% of it (yes, once the pellets have dissolved) and you fill it up again (about 3/4 of the bottle) with pure water like from a machine on the picture above or any other source. Then you'll want to succuss the bottle 40 times: that's banging it on the palm of the other hand, with as large a distance as you can. This will energize the remedy and bring you to a 31C dilution. 31C and 31 CH is the same thing. 
You do it again to get to 32, 33 or 34 whatever you feel comfortable with. This will help you get a more efficient result with a well-chosen (homeopatically) remedy. You can go as high as you want, but it's a lot of banging!

Why would you want to upgrade your remedy? Let's say you've been doing well on 30CH and you feel like you've reached a plateau, then you upgrade the same remedy and it will continue working. Why? Because the body doesn't want to let go so easily to a disease it's been getting used to. Therefore, it's fighting back, and that's why you have to fight stronger with a higher dilution. 


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