Thanks to Mati Fuller and her amazing Materia Medica! Alumina Portrait of a Homeopathic Remedy Alumina likes to be in control in relationships. She’s fastidious and usually does things as perfectly as she can. She often compensates for weak sense of self by being ambitious, obstinate, headstrong and quarrelsome. QUIET Alumina is a timid, mild mannered, quiet person, with a tendency to be serious, absent minded and somewhat spaced out. Because she has a weak sense of self, she needs a lot of recognition, support and respect from others. Therefore, relationships are very important to her, but unfortunately, her relationships are often as undefined as her personal sense of self. Her identity becomes so weak that she often doesn’t even know if she exists. She may develop a sense of duality, or a sense that everything is unreal, as if in a dream. At times, her mind can become so dull and sluggish that it makes any kind of thinking and comprehension almost impossible a...