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General Health Advice

 Drink more water,  get 8 hours of sleep,  walk outside in the sun,  leave your phone on silent,  read a few pages each day,  eat more vegetables and greens,  don’t hang out with toxic people,  work on projects you care about.  -James Clear ------------ If you enjoyed this article, you'll probably also like: Quotes Homeopathy and Health in General Nutritional Supplements

Quotes Homeopathy and Health in General

"A kind providence so frequently arranges that the means of cure is near at hand where most wanted."   Dr. Dorothy Sheperd "Bacilli and other toxins rule the day, yet for these the soil must be in a receptive condition and its nature determines the modification and speed of their growth." W.A. Dewey “The greatest wealth is health.”  Virgil "Healing comes from within; from the personality, from the sympathy and the faith of the patient." Dr. Edward Bach "Suffering is a corrective to point out a lesson which by other means we have failed to grasp, and never can it be eradicated until that lesson is learnt." Dr. Edward Bach “There is no true healing unless there is a change in outlook, peace of mind, and inner happiness.” Dr. Edward Bach "One cannot cure in the dark."  - Dr. Hahnemann (H ighlights the importance of accurate diagnosis and a thorough understanding of a patient's condition before attempting to provide a cure) “The highest

Advice to Improve Your Concentration

 How to improve your mental performance? If no physical or mental illness is causing your concentration problems, then you are on your own to regain control of your mind. This is the only way to improve your performance. It is therefore important to change your environment and lifestyle to be able to enjoy good concentration skills again. Applying these tips can be useful: Tips for better concentration 1. Define your priorities What is important must be done first. Make a list of all your tasks and check them off. This way, you will not forget anything and at the end of the day, you will have a complete overview of everything you have accomplished. 2. Use your time wisely Schedule important tasks at quiet times, in order to stay focused. In addition, it is advisable to focus on one task at a time. 3. Work in a quiet environment Notify those around you that you have to work. Even a simple “Do not disturb” will help you stay focused. Disturbed by notifications on your phone? Turn it off

Strong Cases: Homeopathy for Concentration Issues

 In my own practice, I saw so much beautiful improvements in my patients' children but I would like to share with you here some real cases from real homeopaths from around the world, especially successful with concentration issues.  A Case of Lack of Concentration Dr. Pooriya Jeste Subhedar presents a case of behavior problems in a seven year old boy. A 7 year old boy came with his mother to my clinic. His mother is a nurse and the father is handicapped but working. His mother complained that the boy is too restless. He doesn’t sit at one place, doesn’t want to study and performs poorly in examinations. She said he doesn’t obey and is very irritable, talking back to everyone. He beats on his mother and throws things away when angry. There are complaints from his teachers that he doesn’t pay attention in class and lacks concentration. He also fights with other students. His books are incomplete and all crumpled. He doesn’t take notes in class. He makes spelling mistakes, e.g writes

The Four Temperaments

  Sanguine Extremely happy by nature and openly emotional. Wants to capture every possible enjoyment in life. Never feels that life is boring. Emotional life is usually the best developed, more active that the mind and the will.  Does not spend a great deal of time in thought and reflection “Carpe diem”. Easily demonstrates her own feelings and experiences others’ losses deeply. Great difficulty taking positive action. Easily becomes involved in something new.  Can snap back from failures and setbacks quickly. Easily distracted so tasks are left unfinished.  Wins friends easily and effortlessly. Quickly forgets insults and offenses.  Enjoys giving suggestions and helping people with their problems.  Enjoys people and accepts them as they are. Loves talking, even if just to chitchat. Needs a profession where she can be creative, free from limitations and routine.  Does not like people whose lives and schedules are all planned and never spontaneous. Characteristics : hopeful, sentimental

Parents Homeopathic Profiles

 Yes I treat mainly children, but when the mothers hop on the healing train, results are much more impressive! Thanks to my good "colleague" and teacher, Angelica Lemke, for these portraits of parents' remedies from her book Healing Complex Children With Homeopathy available on Amazon.  Sepia Hormonally stagnant people (mostly women, sometimes men) who are resentful towards their family to the point of being mean and or wanting to escape. Post partum depression. Emotionally flat, heavy and exhausted. Feels better with movement, being industrius/busy, exercising and checking things off their to-do lists. Helps women come back into an emotionally/hormonally free flowing place where there is joy in connecting with the family.  Pulsatilla Nice sweet women (and sometimes men) with soft, emotional eyes who weep easily and need approval. They give love to receive love. Lots of hormonal issues - can easily be hormonally stagnant (irregular periods) and do better with exercise an

Do I exist? The Alumina Remedy Portrait

 Thanks to Mati Fuller and her amazing Materia Medica! Alumina Portrait of a Homeopathic Remedy  Alumina likes to be in control in relationships. She’s fastidious and usually does things as perfectly as she can. She often compensates for weak sense of self by being ambitious, obstinate, headstrong and quarrelsome.  QUIET  Alumina is a timid, mild mannered, quiet person, with a tendency to be serious, absent minded and somewhat spaced out. Because she has a weak sense of self, she needs a lot of recognition, support and respect from others. Therefore, relationships are very important to her, but unfortunately, her relationships are often as undefined as her personal sense of self. Her identity becomes so weak that she often doesn’t even know if she exists. She may develop a sense of duality, or a sense that everything is unreal, as if in a dream. At times, her mind can become so dull and sluggish that it makes any kind of thinking and comprehension almost impossible and she may not even