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Showing posts from July, 2023

Contact Form

Contact Form For All Services For Israeli Residents ONLY Read About Fees For Programs and Services BEFORE Completing This Form Sending this form doesn't require payment. You will be sent the Questionnaire Analysis which you'll need to pay 150₪ in order to start the work. Payment can be done online .  REQUEST A CONSULTATION OR SERVICES First and Last Name: Phone number(s): When's the best time to reach you: Email (please double check): Name of Person for Care (also for Tefilla): ____ bat _____ Age of Person for Care: Address: CURRENT HEALTH ISSUE Select the program of your choice. Choose only one: Chronic Care program Complex Chronic Care (more than 2 health issues) Fertility/Pregnancy Program ADHD/ASD Program Homeopathic Detox Program Spiritual Homeopathy Program The Acute Care Program is addressed with a different questionnaire.  Read the Terms and Conditions for the pricing and other details.  What is the MAIN ISSUE or DIAGNOSIS that are you are seeking homeopathic ca...

Which Bach Flowers Against Fear?

 Which Bach Flowers Against Fear? There's a group of flowers that Dr. Bach discovered were very efficient "For Those Who Have Fears" Now their essence is available online or in stores, to be diluted in water and drank on a regular basis to benefit from them.  Aspen : Aspen can greatly benefit those unable to fall asleep due to their fears of letting go. Sleeping disorders and insomnia due to nightmares of an eerie, haunting kind.  Foreboding and anxious disquiet mind and body. In panic disorders, when no apparent reason can be given for the attacks. Anxiety attacks marked by the typical, vague fears with shaking and trembling. Anxiety about death. Mental and emotional withdrawal. Dejected or haunted in appearance.  MIND:  In the Alpen state, the mind is overly receptive and too easily impressed. Primordial fears and feelings of doom. Delusions, superstitions, omens, fateful encounters, prophesies and ghost stories.  Some people develop personal rituals to e...

Precious Arnica

  Arnica: The School of Hard Knocks From the spirit of homeopathic remedies Arnica is the principal homeopathic remedy for hematomas and bruises, for blows to the body or to the soul. When a bruise or bump appears, three globules of Arnica 7CH will make the bump begin to shrink quickly. In cases of shock, higher potencies must be given: 15CH and above for head injury, for example. We can also give this remedy to athletes and sports enthusiasts before a major sporting event or effort. It is also useful the day before surgery or major dental work, to limit hemorrhaging (one dose of 15CH). Also, we can use Arnica in cases of flu when the fever is high, the whole body feels bruised, the head is hot and red while the rest of the body   is cold, and, in spite of these symptoms, the sick person insists she is well and does not need to see a doctor .   Arnica corresponds to people who push themselves too hard and work themselves to death. They want to   be indispensable and...