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Showing posts with the label Natural products

Coconut Family

Crazy Coco!   To anyone who like to visit the Olam HaTeva, the natural health store in Kesem, there's a treasure of coconut-related products. I once decided to buy them all (almost at once) and see what I could do with them. True, I could have found out  first  a recipe and  then  buy the product but where's the fun in that?  So now we're dealing with a few ingredients I need to find a recipe for: coconut oil, coconut water, coconut milk, coconut flour... Let's start with some fun, friendly treats for the children (and Sugar-Free too!) Coconut Popsicle  This recipe will surely please them and add some much-needed vitamins in their day, without them knowing! Nu, which vitamins? In  coconut water  - not to be confused with coconut milk, we'll get to that later - you have the following health benefits: - 15% of daily requirement (DR) of  potassium  in one cup.  - other electrolytes include calcium and magnesium, helps maintain proper fluid balance.  - a lot of water (o

Worried about Worms?

 It's like I had two lives: one before I knew about worms and one after. I mean, it's one thing to know about it and another to live with it - to feel the threat it might come back (and it will!) unless we don't take things in our own hands (well make sure they're clean before!) The Theory Behind It So let's get clear about the causes, manifestations and what it is we're dealing with here, in Modiin Illit, where I work as a homeopath (did I mention it already?) What are we dealing with, here, doc? To make sure we're not afraid of these little creatures that creep out of our children's rectum during the night (what a nightmare!), let's get down to basics and know who or what we're dealing with: Most likely, if you have wormy cases here in Israel, you're dealing with pinworms. There are other kinds of worms but it's better to know what's causing the problem, exactly. So there we have a name - pinworms. Because they're small like a p